Friday, February 24, 2012

Dear Boys Part 2

I feel like it's time to do it again. I've got a lot to say....

Dear Captain,
Thanks for letting me down as nicely as you possibly could. I know we are both in different places in our lives right now, but I wish it would have worked out. It's hard for me to go through this again with you. It's the fourth time we've done this. Stop breaking my heart.

Dear Boy,
Do you even remember that? Probably not. You seem to forget things quite easily. Sometimes I wonder if you ever felt anything at all. I'm sure my little sweetheart is still in there somewhere.... You are just too cocky to look for him.
This is not a game. Stop being a jerk.

Dear bbff,
You make my heart so happy. I'm glad you are my best friend. You've never given up on me, ever. I know this is going to be hard. One of the hardest things I've ever done... But I know you'll help me through it. You always do.
Forever Love

Dear Benched,
Hello attractive! :) You are a stud. For real. I look up to you so much. More than you could ever know... And mostly because I'm too afraid to tell you how I feel. I get the vibe you don't like me.... Ha either way, I'm always cheering you on.
Your Biggest Fan

Dear Man In Charge,
Today I learned that I've got to trust you. Sometimes people make mistakes. All I ask is that instead of belittling me you try to help me feel better. I just want peace.
Never Giving Up

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this beautiful Earth. I'm so glad I get to live here. I'm sorry for not remembering to be thankful for more things. I'm starting to realize that my life is wonderful, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. So thank you.
Your Daughter

Dear Daddy-o,
Thanks for the blessing. I'm glad you are a worthy man and that you love me. It makes all the difference in my life. I love you!

Dear Nathan and Adam,
I'm so sorry for being so selfish. I'll make it up to you one day, I swear. I'm fixing things. I only want the best for you boys. And I'll do whatever it takes to make if happen. Please know that I'm trying. I want a happy life as much as you do. Can't wait to meet you guys. :)

Dear Awkward,
I'm sorry I made your day so crappy. I just didn't know what to do. You need to come out of your shell and live a little! Happiness only comes to those who want it!
Wants to Help

Dear Bro. Waite,
You are bald, I'm a druggie. It's fine.
Thanks for being my advisor. SemCo wouldn't be the same without you. Plus, you are the king of scripture mastery!
Wants to Be Like You

Dear Flutter,
Never knew it'd come to this. But I like it. :)
But Really

Dear Sandman,
You should come to my room tonight so that I'll actually SLEEP. I hate laying there awake and terrified. Please!
I'll Pay You If I Have To

That's all. :)

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