Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Love Your Choice

It's no secret that life is hard. It's so easy to look at others and wish that you had their hair, clothes, shoes, talent.... the list goes on. I am definitely guilty of this. I wish so badly that I could change my hair to be thicker, my calves to be thinner, my face to be less round, my skin to be tanner, my torso to be longer... it never stops. Well, I guess it stops somewhere.

Of all the things I am jealous of other people for, the ONE THING I am completely satisfied with is my husband. I don't know how many people can honestly say that. I mean, really.

Every day I am amazed by him. Not even just in an "I am blinded by love" sort of way, but just as a person in general. I've known Scott for a while and I've been stalking observing him since we became friends. He's different than everyone I know. He looks out for me constantly. He always thinks of something nice he can do for me and others too. He works so hard every single day and I don't know how he does it. He has always amazed me and continues to do so each day. I could never dream up a better man to spend my life with. He's not perfect, but he is so wonderful. 

Of all the things I wish I could change, I am grateful to report that my husband is not one of them. The choice I made to marry him is the best one I have made yet. He is absolutely everything I could have ever dreamed of in a spouse and in a best friend. 

On a scale from 1 to 10 I love him 1,000. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

23 Never Looked So Good

Scott's 23rd birthday was on Sunday so of course we celebrated all weekend long! We had made a few previous plans and basically all of them went out the window a few days before the weekend. But don't worry- we still had a great time!

First, a little back story. A few months ago Scott mentioned that he wanted to get a Wii for his birthday so we were planning on getting one. However, I didn't know that the Wii had changed so much and that the new Wii U was basically nothing like the old Wii and was so dang expensive. I was on the fence about it so Friday I went in to work and consulted with my boss who knows a lot about video games. I asked him a million questions and he convinced me to get the latest and greatest Wii U and even agreed to go with me to buy it. After work we headed over to Game Stop and he helped me get what I needed. I rushed home and then to Walmart for wrapping supplies... and more presents. Whoops.

Please appreciate how cute these are because boys just don't

When he got home from work we ordered Domino's and went to pick it up (because the $2 delivery charge + tip is way too much for my cheap self. And we live sooo close it's stupid not go get it yourself). I gave him his first present (Big Hero 6!) and we watched it while we ate. About halfway through the movie I decided I couldn't wait to give him the Wii U and after the movie ended I gave him a bag with a controller wrapped inside. He opened it up and was like DOES THIS MEAN WE ARE GETTING A WII?! And I chuckled and went into our bedroom and brought out the big box. I knew if he had seen it he would have known so I kept it hidden until right before he opened it. Let's just say he was very, very happy. We stayed up until 1:00 playing Super Mario 3D world.

I don't have my own picture so this is Google's best. 
Anyway, it seriously is the coolest. The main controller is this game pad and it is huge! It has its own screen with all sorts of random features. All additional players use regular controllers and the games are just so stellar. But! There is an option to go back to the regular Wii menu so you can play all the old games and whatnot on it. It's the best of both worlds and it totally rocks!

Saturday we slept in and played games all morning. We ate waffles and eventually got up to go get ready for the day. We ran a few errands and then met up with his family. We went bowling and had a great time! I did better than I ever have before so that was fun! When our 3 games were done we headed to Texas Roadhouse and enjoyed lots and lots of food!

A nice blurry picture from bowling :)

Sunday was Scott's actual birthday but it was pretty low-key. He had a meeting so we had our fun fancy breakfast when he got home from that. We ditched our own ward because Katie (WHO IS ON A PLANE TO CHILE AS WE SPEAK!) had her farewell and we were not about to miss that! After her church we went to my parents house for dinner with my family because my grandparents were in town, We had a nice meal and a good chat and of course I loved seeing little Ben :)

Because matching is cool ;)

It was such a nice weekend and it was a lot of fun. I am so, so happy to have this man by my side. He makes my life so much more wonderful and I can't imagine being without him. Happiest of birthdays, Scotty :)


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Baby Benny Is Here!

GUYS GUYS GUYS!!! I'm an aunt!!!!

Clear back on the 24th of July my brother called me from Colorado and told me that the littlest Winter was currently the size of a blueberry. I was stoked. I've been (sort of) patiently waiting his arrival since then. I wanted the baby to be a girl so so so badly and still secretly hoped he would come out a girl even after they had their ultrasound... but alas, the doctor was right and Benny is indeed a little boy. It's okay- Chantel and I had fun buying all of the cute little boy clothes and accessories we could find ;)

He came early Saturday morning and it was a surprise to everyone! He wasn't due until March 10th and Natalie was hoping it would be later than that so she wouldn't have to go back and finish out the school year at the end of her maternity leave, but babies just do what they want I guess ;) Friday night Kyle and Natalie were at the Jordan River temple and when they were walking out her water broke! (I guess since he couldn't wait two more weeks he at least waited until the session was over haha) They went home and packed up all their things and headed to the hospital.

I, of course, had no idea any of this was going on. I went to bed pretty early but at 11:30 I suddenly woke up and thought to check my phone. My mom had texted me and said "did you hear the news" and I was like whaaa? Suddenly a rush of text messages came in from all of my siblings and I was so excited! I kept waking up every hour to check my phone and I got NOTHING all night long. At 7:30 Kaylee told me all the details and I was so sad I missed it. I was also super bummed that no one told me anything :( Again, a rush of text messages poured in from the whole night with all the updates and whatnot. Stupid iPhone. Anyway, he was born at 2:19 am and was happy and healthy.

Scott and I got up and headed to the hospital to meet up with my family. When we walked in Kaylee was holding him and he was the most perfect teeny tiny little thing. He was all swaddled up and wearing a little hat. I just stared at him and eventually got to hold him. It was definitely scary! I haven't been around very many babies and especially not any newborns. But, he was so still and quiet and just perfect. He is five pounds and six ounces and 18 and a half inches long. I love him so, so much! I can't wait for him to grow so I can play with him and tell him how cute he is! Benjamin will do great things in his life, I just know it.

I already miss him so much.
He's the sweetest little babe.