Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dear Boys Part 8

It's been a long time since I did this. But I feel like it's time again.

Dear Cap'n Wow,
Seriously? How could you let this happen? And be so calm about it?! I just don't know.
Sincerely, Worried

Dear Drew,
It's funny how we can go months without speaking and then when we happen to run into each other it's like no time has gone by. I hope you're doing okay, I'm glad we're still kinda friends.
Sincerely, Firsties

Dear Kansas,
I can't wait for you to "not be in Kansans anymore". It's coming so fast. I'm so excited :)
Sincerely, "yeah, you can have your man card back."

Dear Stunning,
Yep. You've still got it.
Sincerely, Melting

Dear #Matsamas2016,
Dude when you are president, free Disneyland! Hahahaha! I still don't know how we became friends but I'm dang glad it happened. I seriously love your guts. And even though we have completely different opinions about everything, we get along quite nicely. It's wonderful.
Sincerely, Still Laughing About Phone School

Dear Hulk,
Every time I see you my heart stops beating. Literally stops. And then I smile and say "hi" all shaky and you say "how's it goin?" and then I smile some more and say "hi" again and you laugh at me and then we talk non stop until we must be separated again. You are my FAVORITE person I've met at the U, hands down. I'm so thankful for your friendship and your advice. I look up to you a lot and admire your excellent example of hard work. Seriously. Also, Your muscles make me kinda giddy.
Sincerely, Hopes

Dear Finland, 
Dude. Give it up already! IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
Sincerely, Still Not Interested

Dear Boy,
I doubt that you have a friend in your life right now that cares about you as much as I do. And I doubt that I have a friend in my life that cares about me less than you do. So I guess that isn't really the definition of a "friend". What the heck happened? I'd just love to know.
Sincerely, Girl

Dear Tuagage,
I love your wife. She's such a champ!
Sincerely, Sara

Dear Daddy,
Thanks for fixing my (your) car. I really don't know what I would do without you. Honestly.
Sincerely, Janester

Dear Matt's Twin,
Remember when I was really upset and you stopped what you were doing to just stand there and console my troubled heart for twenty minutes? That probably saved my life, to be honest. I'm really thankful for your friendship and your kindness.
Sincerely, I Promise I'm Not Always a Baby

Dear Rivals (but not really),
Now that I know you really aren't going to prove me wrong, I'm done. I'm sick of your crap and I'm sick of waiting for things to be different. She obviously ruined you. And it makes me sick whenever I think about it. So basically, unless you're actually going to change, you're dead to me.
Sincerely, Shattered

Dear Dragon Man,
Your check-ups are immensely helpful. I appreciate how you think of me and make sure I'm doing okay. I wish I could be a better friend to you in return.
Sincerely, Klarinet

Wow I feel a million times better. I've really missed this!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sometimes I'm Funny

The other day I was working with Ashley and she left before we remembered to split tips. 
So I took out her dollar, folded it up, put it in a 1oz cup, made this sticky note, and put them in the office. 
It's clearly hilarious.
And a good reminder that we need to be hard workers, much like our first president.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Crimson Nights

First of all, I go to the best college in the state. Hands down.
They throw a huge A party every semester (?) called Crimson Nights.
They are at the Union and it's just a blast!
I went last night because I'm determined to make some dang  good memories from college!
Elise came with me because she loves me and loves to party ;)

But first we went to her roommate's wedding reception downtown. (How convenient, right?) Enjoyed some cupcakes and awkward talk with strangers. Lost our parking ticket thing and had to fill out some crazy form. Changed clothes in the car and drove up to the U. Had some serious eye flirting with the fellas in the cars next to us. Got lost.... hahahaha. (I don't drive around up there so I don't really know how the roads work) Sat in the parking lot til we were brave enough to go in. Scoped the place out. Got lots of free stuff. And food. (Probably the best part of the whole thing because um hello FREEEEE!) Went bowling throwing balls down lanes and only counting style points. Got some T shirts ;) Drank some Cherry Coke <3 Danced til we couldn't dance no more. Screamed the words to all the songs. Jumped up and down and up and down and up and down. More eye flirting, then avoiding habeebe. GO AWAY. Talked to A Cav :) and David. Saw way too many people I knew. Got coconut rings after a fun game of "pass the debit card". Nice security guards. Met some more hotties via coconut rings and matching ASUU chapstick. Good luck ring kisses. Laughing on the drive home. Sleepy time music (NOT). Seven more minutes. Total bliss. LOVED it. :)

And thus marks another pictureless post. F- Kara, F-. But in my defense I didn't have enough pocket space to babysit my phone AND ipod. So whatever.


P.S. This is my 100th blog post! I can't even believe it. I freakin love blogging!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

100 Days!

(This post is basically just a journal entry for me. It's probably boring and way too long. But read it if you want.)

Remember when it was 729? Then 500? Then 300? Then 200? Well. Now it's 100. And I'm flippin flipping out!

Yesterday I went to CH and Simpson told me he'd be home/released on May 31st. Which means (because of leap year) that his mission was exactly 730 days. :)
I'm so nervous/excited. I can't decide what it is. I'm scared to see him again.... With everything we've been through and all... But I'm also really excited to have him home and have my friend back again :)

I'll NEVER forget the first time he talked to me. I was a tiny little 7th grader and he was like my idol. Haha I just remember our first concert when Mr. Neves was like this is Scott, he's in charge, listen to him. I just drooled over him :P
Three years later my buddy Ryan called and invited me to marching band. I was like lol yeah right! But I went anyway and fell in love with it within five minutes. Mostly because Scott came up and talked to me and I was literally shaking and thinking, "oh my gosh. Scott is taking to me. SCOTT SIMPSON IS TALKING TO ME." Hahaha I was such a dork.
Within a week I had been adopted into the band family and I loved it. All those boys were like my older brothers, always looking out for me. They teased me about Geoff but at the same time gave me advice. They got me out of my classes to take trips to Smith's or McDonalds but also encouraged me to get good grades. They would invite me to hang out ALL THE TIME and made sure that I was included in everything. They were the best friends a girl could ask for, especially Scott. If he EVER sensed that something was bothering me, he'd text or call me or stop me in the hall just to talk. I can't even tell you how many hours we spent sitting in the car talking about everything from Jess to Geoff to church to school to the future to missions to families to... Anything. Eventually I got over my "obsession" and we became actual friends. He was super popular but he still made time for me and I loved that. :)

When he graduated things were different but yet they were the same. I stared to REALLY like him but it was complicate because I was dating his best friend... (Long story. Meh.) We got in some bad fights, went a lot of weeks without talking, and had a hard time adjusting to change. Fortunately, we always made up and became friends again because that's just what friends do. Plus he was getting ready for his mission and I wanted to be part of that.
We weren't taking when he got his call and I was kind of devastated. He texted me where he was going and I just cried. It became real that he was leaving and I knew it was gonna be hard to have him gone. He helped me get through so much crap and always had good advice for me. I started freaking out and the next time he was at Copper Hills I just ran up to him and hugged him and told him I was sorry for everything and that I was sick of fighting. We made up for the five hundredth time and everything was Jim dandy after that :)
Right before he left we got really close again and it was hard because it was kinda like forbidden love. I had a boyfriend, he really liked someone else, and it was just crappy. I was so confused and didn't know what I was feeling. I felt like I was way too young to "wait" for him and he agreed with me on that. I tried breaking up with Kolby but couldn't do it because I really didn't know what I wanted. I spent so much time just bawling and not wanting Scott to leave. But as much as I was fighting it, the day of his farewell came and I spent the whole day at his house. When it was time to say goodbye he just hugged me and didn't let go til I was ready. And even though I was really sad, I felt peaceful like everything would be okay and that I'd see him again. I was like write me ;) and he was like write back ;) and then we laughed and I went home and didn't even cry. I was excited for my first letter :)

When it came, I ran around my house for two hours and read it over and over. Letters were my favorite. Sometimes they were really silly, sometimes really serious. A few of them had a million tiny hearts all over them and that just gave me butterflies. I still asked him for advice (mostly about band and Seminary Council stuff) and he always found a way to make me feel better about things.
Over time it got harder to write. I felt like I was being distracting. Life got busy. You know, the usual. But I never stopped counting the days. I never stopped dropping into Simpson's office to ask about Scott. Because I'm dang excited for him to come home! He's been one of my best friends for so long and I can't wait to see his face again. To laugh about dumb things. To talk about life. Just everything.
100 days. :)


Friday, February 15, 2013

Learning to Be Content

I think this is something that everyone struggles with. It's hard to live here, today, in 2013 with such a crazy world around us. Everything is new, everything is fast, everything is "I must have this right now or I can't be happy!". It's a little bit ridiculous. But, I definitely fall into these traps and have a hard time being thankful for what I do have. Because heck, I have a lot.

So anyway, let us begin with when I was eight years old. Elise moved in to the house on the corner and we became best friends. We went for walks, played barbies, built blanket forts, had sleepovers, and had so much fun being kids. But, all we could ever talk about was teenagers and how bad we wanted to be teenagers. I think we underestimated how hard growing up would be... because I specifically remember writing her a note in eighth grade that outlined all of the difficult times we had overlooked as children and how badly I wish we could go back and just enjoy the time we had as kids. As a result, we wished that high school would hurry on up and be our lives. We dreamed of cars, boys, dates, dances, make up, jobs... all the things that did nothing but stress me out for three whole years. So of course, we dreamed of college. Interesting classes, bigger schools, being away from home, freedom, parties... you know. The basics.

But the truth is, college really isn't all that great either. It's a hundred times more stressful than anything I've ever experienced in my life. And as much as I'd love to be married with a family and a career, I'm sure that is even more hard to deal with.

So, my friends, I would like to share with you my epiphany I had today. Are you ready? Okay.

"You are never going to be content with life, so you might as well just be content with life."

And I quote-

"You are never going to be content with life, so you might as well just be content with life."


"You are never going to be content with life, so you might as well just be content with life."

Seriously though. I just need to take a step back and appreciate the stages of life that I'm in while I'm in them and just be content with life.

Here are a few examples of things I'm rather content with! :)

-I've always (obviously. like did you even read the beginning of this post?) wanted to go to college, and here I am. And not only that, but here I am at the school of my dreams. Every (other) day when I get off the train (sometimes I get off at the hospital and walk down the giant snow hill...which is mighty pretty), I look up at Rice-Eccles stadium and admire how cool it is. I think about how lucky I am to be at a Pac 12 school. I walk by the old buildings and think about how many great names have walked those halls. I admire the huge trees, sometimes covered with snow, sometimes with leaves, but always beautiful. I watch as students of all races, ages, shapes, and sizes walk around, chattering away. It's amazing to me how different that campus is from where I live. I never knew Utah could hold so many kinds of people. I love it. I absolutely love it.
-I've always wanted a car that I could jump in and go do whatever I want/need, and here I am, with a 18 year old Bronco that I have to put a lot of money in to but it still runs like the dickens! It has only failed me a few times, but she always pulls through! I don't know what I'd do without her!
-I've always wanted a job and a paycheck, and here I am, working somewhere I absolutely love with people that I absolutely love. And even though I feel like every penny I make has to be spent somewhere really lame, I'm glad I have it. And even though my job isn't really one to brag about, it makes me happy, and that's all I care about right now.
-I've always wanted a lot of good friends that I could turn to for anything, anytime, and here I am with a whole network of people who have my back no matter what. I appreciate their kindness and love for me and  the fact that many of the biggest decisions of my life have led me to those people.
-I've always wanted a big family to sit and laugh with about silly things, and here I am with three great siblings and two great in-laws that complete our family. I absolutely love when we all get together and have a good time. Even if it's just a few of us, it's still awesome and it's what makes home, home.

There are just so many wonderful things I have in my life right now. I'm so thankful for everything that I've been blessed with and there is no way I could name all of it. I know I have a long way to go before my life ends, but I still feel like I've come so far. Growing up is scary (and expensive) as crap but I really do love it. And I know that every single day I learn something that is going to help make me into whatever I become.

Although I am very excited for the future, I'm happy about the present. I'm content with my life.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February Blues

It's too cold to go out and have fun.
It's too cold to dress up for school and be cute.
It's too cold for late night chats in the car.
It's too cold for random adventures.
It's too cold for everything.
I'm just so sick of it.

Nevertheless, DFTBA!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Unexpected Awesomeness

So I had a bit of a surprise yesterday.
I woke up and didn't wanna go to school.
At all.
I just felt so awful :/
Anyway, I had a feeling that I needed to go though.
Especially to Institute.
So I rolled out of bed, threw on my glasses and some sweats, and rode up to the U.
I stumbled my way down the giant snowy hill and somehow got to my class.
When I got there I actually took notes and paid attention?
Mallory and I took the red shuttle to the stop by the Institute Building.
That was an exciting new adventure!
We got to see the residency halls and a lot of the hospital.
We actually got to class on time and got to sing the hymn.
I'm pretty sure I sounded something like a dying cat, but whatever.
After the prayer and announcements, I looked to my right and saw there was someone sitting next to me.
It was most definitely Alex. :)
I smiled so big at him and said hi and immediately regretted my poor choice of wardrobe.
But he smiled back at me and sat there for the whole lesson.
For some reason I thought maybe he'd get up and leave in the middle?
He's a busy guy...
After it was over I asked him why he was there.
He told me he had just finished taking a test and had no more classes for the rest of the day.
He had missed his own institute class the day before so he decided to come crash mine.
I was so freaking happy.
It has been a rough... month.
I HATE being alone all the time.
I hate how I have no one to talk to (in person) or just hang out with.
And even if I did, I'm so busy I can't do it anyway.
It's just a crappy situation.
So I was extremely thankful that he had decided to come see me right on the exact day I needed it the most.
We rode the train together and talked and laughed just like old times.
We had a lot to catch up on :)
He told me the "story" of how he ended up in my class on that particular day and I knew that Heavenly Father had something to do with it.
He knew I was in need of a friend, a pick-me-up of sorts, so he inspired Alex to come see me.
It's just little things like that that make me realize just how much God loves me and watches out for me.
Surely, I'm not by any means "alone".
I have a million friends and a wonderful family.
I could probably just suck it up and be fine.
But, no.
He understands how I'm feeling and knew I needed some help.
And help me he did.
Needless to say, my day got a lot better really, really quickly.