Friday, June 15, 2012

Dear Boys Part 7

It's back to nicknames ;)

Dear Elder,
We're headed downhill! You'll be home in less than a year. I miss you a lot. But I know you are doing awesome things right now. Keep up the good work. :)
Sincerely, Pen Pal

Dear Boy,
Always remember who you are and what you stand for. Don't forget about your friends. They really do love you.
I miss the way you would smile after you kiss me. It's was so adorable. Sometimes I can't help but wish things had ended differently.... I know I can't change the past. But I sure would like to.
I hope you are happy, I know you've got a lot on your plate now... Don't forget that I'm still here. Just because I graduated doesn't mean that I died. You can always call me if you ever need anything. Be good.
Sincerely, Girl

Dear Bingham,
Oh. My. I love being with you. LOVE it. Call me maybe?
Sincerely, CH

Dear KB,
I really don't even have anything to say to you. It's awkward and hard to deal with. I hate seeing you so upset knowing that I'm doing just fine. Maybe one day life will get better for you. But this is the only way I can be happy. Sorry for everything and thanks for always being my best friend.
Sincerely, KJ

Dear Hopeful,
Remember when we went to Vegas with Anna? hahahaha. Sometimes I look back and have the hardest time  figuring out why you put up with me every day. I would have most definitely shot myself in the head if I were you. I love being able to talk to you about anything. Ever. No matter where we were or what we were doing you would listen to me and give me the best advice that you could. I love you to pieces. I miss you a lot and can't wait to see you again!
Sincerely, Also Hopeful

Dear Trainee,
I'm going to do my best to be nice to you. It's just very, very hard.
Sincerely, Dude, His Name Is Not Justin

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the kitties. I love them. Sometimes I think you invented them just for me.
Sincerely, Daughter

Dear Dad,
I really like you a lot. Thanks for being so patient with me. I bet it's frustrating to have kids that come home so late all the time. But hey, you've raised me to know how to make good decisions. So you have no need to worry. :)
Sincerely, Janester

Dear Mountain,
You make me smile :) I like your stories. I'm gonna miss you when you leave. A lot.
Sincerely, Don't Be Awkward ;)

Dear Indy Dog,
I love babysitting you. You are so cute and fun to play with. I sure will miss waking up at 7 every day to go let you outside. Okay, no I won't. But I will miss you sitting on my lap and letting me pet you for 45 minutes. You are just the greatest little dog ever!
Sincerely, The Neighbor

Dear Leo,
I watched The Vow today. You are a hottie. Oh yes.
Sincerely, In Love

Dear JJ,
Thanks for being my LIFE. I love it so much <3
Sincerely, Employee

Dear Sharpie,
Seeing you in my daily life is so flipping awkward. I know it is for you too because YOU won't look at ME either. What would life be like if we still talked? I doubt that I would get this rush of nerves and inability to act like a human every time I see you. It's so strange. I hope life is good though? I hear it's spectacular.
Sincerely, Kizzle

Dear JB,
Sincerely, I'm a Belieber <3

Theee Enddd!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Buying Things

Okay first of all- I love this picture. It's great.
Science ftw!

So yesterday I made my first "big" purchase. 
I say this because I've never spent more than 50 dollars at a time, EVER.
But yesterday I got my laptop!
I loveeeeeee it.
Mostly because I don't have to blog from my ipod anymore. Which is awesome.

So here's the story- because I know you are just dying to hear it ;)
Sunday the ads came in the paper and my dad said hey, Best Buy has a deal going where you can get a laptop, mouse, case, flash drive, and antivirus for a year for $400.
And I was like schaaa-wheeeeat. (I love Julie Blake)
So after doing some research I decided this was the best option for me. I went to bed in hopes of getting my computer in the morning.
Well, morning came and I realized I needed to hurry over there because they had "limited quantities" and I was like D:
I got there at 9:57 and they opened at 10. (yessssss) When they finally opened I just walked down to the computer section and told the guy what I wanted. He got it for me and was super nice. He obviously knew that I knew nothing about computers and was very patient with me. Finally it came time to pay for it and my debit card was denied. DENIED people! I knew I had more than enough money in my account and I just felt so dumb. I told him that I was super sorry and I would just go to the bank and get cash to pay for it. I just didn't want him to think I was some low life who steals other people's debit cards and buys laptops and sells them to buy drugs.

Because obviously that's a legitimate fear.
Not really though.
Who does that?

I went to the bank and was helped by another really nice lady. (People at Best Buy and the bank are really nice) She gave me my money and I raced back to the store. He was standing there waiting for me and said he was thankful that I came back. Aw. I told him he is a very nice guy and he needs a raise. Because he does. Everyone needs a raise. Duh.
I left the store with my cute new laptop and a happy smile! Then I went to work to take my last test. (Which I passed with *almost* 100%. I forgot to put the fruit amounts on the MIL Razmatazz. But that was purely accident and Em understands. So she passed me. And I'm officially NOT a trainee anymore! Woooooooo! Which means I get a raise! Maybe the guy at Best Buy should get a job at Jamba Juice....) Wow that was long?
I went home and set up my laptop and everything was super great. I'm so excited! :)
I love it a lot and I can't wait to take it to school with me!

 Loveeee it!

Monday, June 11, 2012

That's My School

When I was four years old I did a commercial for Challenger School (where my mom taught back in the day and is now a headmaster of). Their theme song was like, "Teachers who care a lot, good friends who share a lot, Challenger that's my school!" and at the end of the commercial I would say, "That's my school!" and my entire little face would take up the entire screen. It was quite cute... or so I've been told. But mostly not. Whatever.
Anyway, that was when I was in preschool... and I just graduated from high school. Which means that it's time for college.
I've been thinking long and hard about where to go. I was considering Utah State because I really wanted to be a teacher. When I realized that I'm definitely NOT teacher material, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. So I considered SLCC because it's cheaper and I could just get some generals done until I figure out what to do with my life.
But the whole time I knew where I needed to go. I knew good and well where I needed to go. I prayed about it when I applied and I knew it was the best decision.

One small problem. It's expensive.

But it's my DREAM school. I mean seriously you guys I really dream about this place. I have tons of friends who go there and love it to pieces. I want to be like them. I want to wear red and sleep in the grey chairs in the library. I want to ride TRAX to class and get a quality education. I want to get chills from watching the drumline at football games. I want to BE there.

And the best thing is....

I can.




My parents are great and have agreed to help me out. They know that I know what is best for me and so this is my decision.
I'm going to the University of Utah this fall and I am STOKED.
I can't even begin to explain how happy I am.
I registered for orientation today and they still had spots so it's not too late.
I can't wait until fall. I want to go NOW!

*Disclaimer: I know college is HARD. It's a lot of work and it's not all fun and games. I know I'm probably going to be stressed to the max ALL THE TIME about tests and studying and stuff. It's actually probably going to suck. A lot. But whatever. Today is about happy things*

But I guess I can wait. I'm excited to live my last few months of freedom. To work a lot and save money. This summer is already awesome. My brother is getting married in August, I'm turning 18 in July, and there are lots of other cool things to look forward to.

Anyway I just wanted to share this great news. Because I'm so excited.

That's My School

Thursday, June 7, 2012


A little late...but hey that's just me :)
So a week ago on May 31, 2012 I graduated from Copper Hills High School.
It's actually not that big of a deal considering how easy high school is... but nevertheless people make a huge fuss about it so I'm totally down for all the attention :)
Lots of very nice people have sent me cards and money to help get me started. I've decided to spend the money on a laptop for school. It's something every college kid needs and they aren't super expensive. Plus I'll even have a little leftover to buy like half of a textbook! Yay!
So anyway I had to work the night before and it was AWFUL. I didn't get home until eleven because it took me so long to close and I just felt so crappy. I was angry because I knew I'd be tired the next day and it finally hit me that I'm never going back to CH. It was just a really bad night.
Thankfully I slept well and woke up with plenty of time to get ready. I went upstairs and my parents let me open my present from them. They gave me a beautiful set of pearls because they know I love them. I was ecstatic! And they matched my dress perfectly. How did they know ;)

Necklace, bracelet, earrings, and ring :)
And they're REAL!

I went and took pictures with my best friend Elise and that was fun :) I know I couldn't have gotten through the last 9 years of school without her!

Then I went home to see my grandparents, Natalie, and Kolby. We took more pictures and I know you are just DYING to see them ;)

Eventually we drove to the Maverick Center and took SOME MORE PICTURES!
It's okay I had lots of people there to support me... I had to remember the moments ;)

Mom and Dad :)

The boy I spent every minute of every day with.
Jay managed to have all the same classes as me and not even kill me out of annoyance.
He deserves a medal.

The Orchestra President, The Band President
I really like her :)

My cute and rather large family

Kyle's BFF, Uncle Homer :)

The girls lined up and they had the band/speakers/choir/senior class officers go take their pictures first because we were sitting in the front. I went and visited the band and talked to some of my friends for a while. This one flute boy who I thought hated me told me I looked stunning (in my freakin' graduation gown?!) and that he would really miss me next year. Wow. It totally made my day! I love when people are nice to me! I made sure Kristianna had remembered to bring my clarinet and went back to get in line. It was about 500 degrees and I was super thirsty and nervous that I would trip because I had to walk on/off stage four times more than everyone else. Finally they started playing Procession of the Nobles (my fave) (even after playing it every year for 4 years and listening to it a hundred thousand times) and it was time to walk out! I felt like such a boss! And Anna was sitting on stage right where I could smile at her as I was walking to my seat! It was wondrous. Plus I got to sit by Ham. Who I love to death.
We got up and played the banner and some other things. Battle Hymn of the Republic is another one of my most favorite songs and I'm super happy I got to play it at my graduation! We also did For Good from the musical Wicked. I absolutely adore that song. The words in it describe perfectly how I feel about my band friends. My life really has been changed for the better because of them. And they have definitely changed me for good. I love those kids so much and I have been honored to play with them for the past 6 years. We've just been through so much together. I'm gonna miss it so much. In fact, they are having summer band rehearsal RIGHT NOW but I'm not there. And they are doing just fine without me. Hmpf. ):
So uh anyway after that we went back to our seats and listened to Mr. Q talk forEVER. Okay it was only 30 minutes. Bingham's principal talked for 45 minutes according to Jason so count your many blessings. Whatever it was still a long time. FINALLY it was time to get our diplomas and such :) I got to be one of the first people which I was thankful for because people really only pay attention until their kid gets announced so everyone in there got to hear my name ;) Oh man the things I worry about...
Side note story- (I need to write this down anyway so just bear with me)
They had Jaxen's parents walk and receive her diploma for her. That was an emotional time for all of us. I wasn't by any means friends with the girl. In fact, I kind of avoided her because she really wasn't that nice to some of my friends. I figured if she didn't know me she wouldn't have a reason to make fun of me. Anyway the day she died we were having rehearsal and Kristianna was at the dentist. She was coming back to the school after her appointment and came into the school crying. She told me she saw the accident and knew someone was dead. It really shook her up and mostly because if she had left just a minute earlier she would have been part of it. I was very thankful she hadn't. I don't know what I would have done with myself if she hadn't ever come back to school... but since I knew how hard it was on Copper Hills to lose students, I got really upset as well and we just hugged and tried to calm down. Eva came over and talked to us for a minute and then it was time for band.
Well, school the next day was hard. Everyone was super sad, including me. We had our SemCo meeting and I was informed that we were expected to attend the viewing. I. Hate. Viewings. Dead bodies freak me out no matter how much I loved someone. When I went to my grandpa's I had to sleep with Kaylee for 4 years because it just freaks me out so much. It's just this weird thing I have. Anyway I had to fulfill the duties of my calling and Ashley, Megan, Jacob, and I went. We talked to her mother for a while and she was the sweetest lady. I felt so bad that I had never taken the chance to get to know Jaxen. I'm sure she was awesome. She had tons of friends that still really miss her. Anyway the viewing was really hard for me. And I got scared. And I had to sleep with my little sister for a while. Thanks Kaylee...
So long story short, I feel like even though I didn't know her, I feel a part of her because of everything I've been through because she died. And I'm really glad that we could take a minute to honor her at our graduation. She got a standing ovation and I'm not even going to lie to you guys, it made me cry a little.
 So thanks Jaxen, for being such a huge part of my life without even knowing it. I hope you are happy in heaven and I can't wait to actually talk to you one day.
The end. Sorry for the depressing story. Like I said, I had to write it down eventually.

Ham and I cheered when there were only green people getting diplomas because that meant it was almost over! When everyone was seated again Tyler had us move our tassels and yay we were graduated!

 As soon as I got back into the hallway I ripped off that awful robe and went to get my real diploma. I said hi to my band once again and hugged everyone at least 36 times. I got my clarinet back from Anna and went to go find my parents! I felt so bad for the massive mob of children waiting to get their stuff. Yay for being first!
Once I got out to the car we left for Golden Corral and I was one happy camper. I was starving and so excited to see all that food and an empty restaurant! Plus that ultra awkward run-in with CB made the whole day suppppper great. Apparently he kept looking at me while we were eating. Wonder what would have happened if we hadn't been so stupid and refused to ever speak to each other again....


So all in all it was a pretty awesome day! I'm very happy I finally have the stress of school gone. I really will miss the good old CH and all my awesome friends. But..

"We cannot discover new oceans without first losing sight of the shore."
Copper Hills Class of 2012

I did it! :)