Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dear Boys Part 9

As a goodbye to my past life and a hello to my new one, I'm going to write my last Dear Boys post. It's been quite the journey. I've come a long way. I've learned so much. I'm so thankful for all these boys for not quite having what it takes to handle this girl and leading me to my perfect man. The one that means everything and more to me.

With that being said, let us begin.

I'd like to thank you for being my very first love. At three years old, that's a lot to handle. 

I had THE BIGGEST CRUSH ON YOU for like 6 years. I'm not even lying. I hope your mission is treating you well. And thanks for always being such a good example to me. 

Thanks for being the gateway drug into the wide world of hand holding. West Hills Middle couldn't have ever witnessed a more awkward encounter, ever.

I'm sorry for totally crushing your entire world. I hope one day you can realize what the important things in life are. I hope everything is okay. Thanks for always being there for me and helping me through those two years. I couldn't have survived high school without you.

I hope you know that YOU are the reason I became a Utah fan. And YOU are the reason my favorite color is red. I don't think you'll ever understand the influence you had on such a young, dumb girl. You literally determined where I would go to college one day. Bravo.

I'm not quite sure what's up with your life right now, but I'm assuming you're still the same. You're just one of those unchanging people I guess. Anyway, take care of Lauren for me. She'll need it.

I can't say this enough- I'm eternally grateful I got out of that awful situation. I was only hurting myself and you got all the enjoyment out of it. I can't help but dream about kicking you in the face over and over and telling you how close you were to ruining my life. I wish I could just push "delete" and pretend it never happened. But you still haunt me. And it's still so awkward. And I hate it.

I couldn't be happier to know that I really dodged a bullet there. I've only heard rumors, but I can't help but cry for you and they way things have turned out to be. I'll never forget how silly our whole relationship was. That was before you experienced 35 years of life way too quickly and became someone even your best brothers couldn't handle.

Be happy and work hard. Good things will come to Jay one day :) Thanks for always talking to me about everything and being my best friend. Thanks for not killing me for being so annoying and getting through senior year with me. I'm glad we know what we know. ;)

Thanks for putting up with my obnoxious self. And for laughing about the whole fruit thing. You're a real gem.

I always just wanted you to be happy. I still do. Seeing you open your mission call was the most relieving thing. You've been talking about it for years and now it's finally here. I can't help but be so proud of you, and a little jealous. Keep that head of yours up. And thanks for all those happy memories. That seems to be the only thing I can ever remember about you.

I still laugh when I think about it. The whole thing was just hilarious. Thanks for making life not so awful and for making the transition to the U a whole crap ton easier. It was nice to have a real friend.

I hope you know that I died for ten whole minutes when I brought my picture for show and tell and you said it was very nice. I used to daydream about us. Kindergarten was rough.

You have no idea how awesome this is going to be. You just wait :)

Looking back, I can see perfectly how we got together. All the pieces coming together to form the ideal picture. I wish I could explain it. I wish I had words to describe the way I feel about you. I wish I could tell you how thankful I am that you stepped in, picked me up, brushed me off, and told me to keep trying. You blessed me with so much love and forgiveness that I almost can't stand it. You mean everything to me. I can't wait to be your wife. I really can't.

To Never Say Goodbye

I really hate that
I have to make Scott go home.
I literally have to be the bad guy 
and tell him it's time for bed.
I think he's starting to think
that I don't even like being with him.

Not true.

I wish we were just done with this already.
I'm quite dang sick of it.

Thankfully, only 16 more nights.

I love him so much.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why Working at Jamba is Sometimes Really Annoying

Public Service Announcements:

This is what work is like sometimes.
I just kinda give up and sit on boxes that crumble beneath me.
Just like my patience.
Basically we can entitle this photo
"Over Worked and Under Appreciated"

Honestly, my job is a lot of fun.
I really enjoy it and I work with some stellar people.
But after two years of building up these pet peeves, I had to let them out somehow.

-You really don't need to grab your own straw. Really. I promise you that I will put one in your cup before I give it to you. And I PROMISE there's a really good chance you just grabbed the wrong one anyway. And I PROMISE WITH ALL OF MY HEART that every single one of us working is secretly laughing at you for banging your straw on the counter to try and open it. Only fools open straws like that. We know what we're doing. Please just stop.

-If I am doing dishes (or anything, for that matter) (but ESPECIALLY when I'm doing dishes) don't come up behind me and take over and start washing dishes like a tortoise. I GUARANTEE I can wash dishes faster and more efficiently than you can and I would REALLY appreciate it if you'd go find some other task to fulfill while I take care of the sink. Many hands don't necessarily make light work, but many productive hands make your manager happy. And by happy I mean not angry.

-In case you weren't aware, we have hired you as an employee and expect that you treat your job like a job. This isn't playtime. You don't come to work to hang out with your friends and be super obnoxious and unproductive. I understand that you're a teenager. But you are a teenager that has elected to apply for a job, accept said job, and have agreed to be a valuable employee of said job. Now do it.

-Peanut Butter Moo'ds have got to be the most annoying, time consuming smoothie to make. I can't even begin to describe to you how long they take to produce. I would rather die than make a PBM. I'm not even kidding. I hate everything about them.

-Can we please stop with the sampling when we are busy? Like. Stop it. I bet you $500 that whatever is in that blender is gonna get made again tonight and maybe you can have some later. But when we have a line and six orders to get out, your tiny half an ounce sample is NOT THAT IMPORTANT. Stop stopping what you are doing to go pour your half an ounce into a tiny sacrament cup and go put it in the back before getting back to what you're doing. The ONLY reason I don't scream at you right then and there is because there are customers in the store. You can guarantee it.

-AM I LITERALLY THE ONLY PERSON THAT KNOWS HOW TO DO LAUNDRY? And why does the entire store fall apart if Leah, Shambray, and I have more than one day off?

-Speaking of closing, if you are going to come in at 9:55 with your entire family, AT LEAST KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. You standing there for ten minutes just attracts more people. And that's when I start throwing blenders into the sink.

-Can we PLEASE stop with the Isis free smoothies thing? Please? I mean it was fine when it was one, but now cell phone companies are saying you can come in and get six. SIX. What the hell does a normal person need SIX smoothies for EVER SINGLE DAY?! I wouldn't be so mad about it if they weren't free. Like we don't even get paid to make them. Like. You make us so busy and it doesn't even show up on our hourly sales. And I then want to throw things.

-And finally, what is up with people who can't simply clean up after themselves? Like. Flush the toilet. Throw your empty cup away. Jamba Juice is not your mother. Stop acting like a teenage boy and be respectful of public places.

I bet you can tell that I'm a really patient and understanding manager, huh?
Whatever. It needed to be said. 

Oh also, 
I'm getting married in 17 days. 


Monday, January 20, 2014

And While I'm At It

Engagements. :)

Best. Trip. To. The. Library. Ever.

Patience is Not a Virtue I Have

 I got my bridals back today.
I can't wait to show THE ENTIRE WORLD.
Here are some of the only ones that don't ruin the whole
....dress surprise thing.
Ugh. I hate waiting.


26 More Days of Winter

There are 26 more days
until I become a Simpson.

There are 26 more days 
of falling asleep on the couch,
waking up at 1:30,
having to stumble through the dark,
say goodbye,
and go to sleep alone.

There are 26 more days
of living at my parent's house.
The house I grew up in.
The house I don't get to call mine anymore.

There are 26 more days
of just kissing.
There will be no more rules
no more boundaries
and no more worries.

There are 26 more days
of having a short commute to work
and a long, long one to school.

There are 26 more days 
of being a member of the Welby 3rd.
Of my precious nursery kids
that I've basically fallen in love with.
Of my wonderful Stake President
who basically saved my life.

There are 26 more days
until I get to cook my own meals,
clean my own apartment,
and live with my best friend.

There are 26 more days 
until I have to make my own life.
I have to learn to become a wife.
Scott's wife. My favorite person, ever.

There are 26 more days left of Winter.
I can't imagine a more terrifying
or exciting thing.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Having a Cool Fiancé is Nice

Scott is literally the most popular, friendly, amazing guy ever. Which is nice. Because then we get to do awesome stuff. :)

A couple weeks before Christmas we were given the opportunity to go to the MoTab Christmas Concert on Sunday morning at the Conference Center. This production is so big and amazing that they perform it several times so more people can attend. Since Scott knows people who know people, we got tickets for Sunday morning- That's the session they put on TV :) I felt so lucky. I've always wanted to go! I love music, Christmas, and the Gospel, so it was perfect! 
We woke up bright and early and drove to Salt Lake. We probably should have left a little bit brighter and earlier because there was literally nowhere to park. Again, Scott is really cool so he knew about this church nearby that we could park at. We finally made our way down the crowded street to the church. We were literally running towards the Conference Center because we were late. I was so worried they were gonna lock the doors and not let us in! Anyway, there were still mobs of people outside so we just went along and found the door we were assigned to. 
Now, here's the part where I am REALLY grateful my fiancé is so cool... We get inside and show some ushers our tickets. The man said, "Oh, VIP is this way." I was like WHHHHAAAT? We went where he told us to and we found out we were sitting on the lower level. I was so excited! I've never been cool enough for that! We kept walking like 5 feet, showing our tickets, and being told to keep going. We were getting closer and closer to the stage and we just kept looking at each other in shock. Finally we found our seats. And they were most definitely on the 12th row. We sat by the family in his ward that gave us the tickets. Their mother is in the bell choir so she was given some tickets to give to people. AND LET ME TELL YOU, THEY GAVE THAT WOMAN SOME DANG GOOD TICKETS. It was amazing. The entire concert was 2 hours long. We were SO CLOSE to the prophet. AND we got to be part of some clapping and laughing sound bytes. ;) It was truly the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed. I was beaming the whole time. I wouldn't have traded that experience for anything! 

All the performers after the finale.
No zoom. :)

And of course, the cute boy ;)

And last night, another couple from his ward took us out to dinner as a pre-wedding present. We went to The Roof and it was amazing. Seriously. Amazing. I ate SO MUCH FOOD. I want to go back literally right now. We had such a fun evening and talked and laughed about engaged/newlywed/20yearsofmarriage life :) I love the Platts. I hope one day the Scott/Kara Simpson family can be as awesome as they are! We had an incredible view of the Salt Lake Temple and the Utah Sate Capitol. Anyone who says Utah isn't awesome should just leave. Cause we have some pretty cool stuff! I'm just so thankful to be engaged to someone that always has a new experience for me waiting around every corner. He helps me get up and out and it makes me so happy. I'm so thankful for all the fun times we've had together these last 8 months. I can't wait for the rest of our lives :)

Don't forget to marry someone awesome. :)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Spring 2014

Oh hey. School is happening. Again.
Since I decided to try and kill myself, 
I'm taking 13 credits 
and getting married.

All my classes are COMM classes.
I don't have to walk around campus anymore!
I just get to wander through the maze of LNCO all day.
I only have classes Monday and Wednesday,
which means LONG days.

Monday and Wednesday mornings I have Intro to News Writing. I love it so far! :) It's probably going to be the most work of all my classes, but what else should be expected of a writing class? My teacher is a cool guy and there aren't a ton of people in there. We'll see how it goes.

Monday and Wednesday afternoons I have Perspective Theories of Communication. It's boring as I'll get out, but I only have to do 2 papers and 3 tests, and one of the 5 gets dropped. So that's fun! I have a hard time staying awake in there but I'll get used to it eventually. 

Wednesday around noon I have a class between my other two classes called Living in a Media World. My professor doesn't believe in tests and there are a few simple assignments. HOLLA. He's the kind of guy that has a PhD and asks us to call him Glen. He's not the slightest bit boring. Plus, who doesn't love talking about Facebook and Amazon all day long?

Wednesday nights from 6 to 9 I have Principles of Visual Communication. My teacher is a photographer and understands that we all have busy lives and are really tired by the end of the day and usually ends class early. We have to make these scrapbooks full of different kinds of images and write short paragraphs analyzing them. As long as I can find a good stockpile of magazines and whatnot, I should be alright!

Wednesdays are gonna be a killer. I have to leave for school at 8 and don't get home until after 9. But, at least I don't have to get up and go to school on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays. And, I only have to do it 14 times. 

I love school. I really do. It's so much better now that all of my classes are things I'm actually interested in. I'm so thankful to be done with (or mostly done with) my general ed classes and can just work on my major requirements. I'm just crossing my fingers that I make it through this semester with all the other things going on. But, I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm so thankful for the opportunity I have to receive an education and make something of my life right now. :)


Thursday, January 2, 2014


It's a thing.

Terrible Twos

I recently (okay like two months ago) got called to the nursery.
I was shocked.
Like, if I had woken up with my head sewn to the carpet I wouldn't have been more surprised than I was when Brother Gilbert extended the calling to me.
I thought he wanted to talk to me about temple prep or something.

I was ultra sad that I A) wouldn't be able to prepare for marriage by the things learned in Relief Society B) wouldn't be able to do church swaps with Scotty anymore C) wouldn't be able to spend Elise's last few months home sitting by her at church D) wouldn't be getting Brother Eveland's delicious Sunday school treats anymore and E) was gonna get super sick from all the kids.

I whined to Scott about it and he told me everything would be fine. He came to my setting apart and told me it would be good for me to spend time with children. Because I really never have.
I was super excited for a new adventure though. And I absolutely loved the sisters I was going to serve with.
After I got set apart I knew there was no going back and I headed off to nursery my first week.

Oh. My. Gosh.

It took those 8 kids .3 seconds to steal my heart.
I cried when some of them graduated to sunbeams last week.
There's this one little girl called Abbie and I swear she's the most perfect thing.
She's so cute. She smiles and it melts my heart.
She brings me books and puzzles and toys and just smiles.
She doesn't talk much but she knows sign language.
I can't handle it.
All the kids are so adorable.
They range from 18 months to almost 4 years, depending on their birthdays.
I love being around their sweet selves.
I appreciate my calling so much.
I don't even wanna know what it's gonna be like when I move and have to be released.
I just love those children.
We truly are children of God.

Farewell to (un)Lucky '13

People have suspicions of the number 13.
Some love it, some hate it.
Some people even build buildings without a 13th floor because... reasons.
Seems stupid, but they really do it.
2013 was definitely a weird year.

I failed myself miserably at life and happiness for a long time.
Try five months.
The beginning of the year was a whole lot of life kicking Kara while she was down.
I made some really dumb choices and was really lonely.
Winter lasted FOREVER and I had like one friend.
And she lived 45 minutes away. 
My classes seemed so dumb and impossible.
Everything that happened before May is a messy blur of numb feelings and strange colors.
I had no hope, no passion, no drive.

I never would have guessed that 2013 could have ended the way it did.
I never knew my dream boy would come home and want to see me,
ONLY me.
I never knew he'd be so crazy head over heels in love with someone as sad and broken as I was. 
I never knew that my life could completely flip around and that I could be so insanely happy with myself and my life.
I never knew such a sweet and caring man would ask me, little Kara, to be his wife.
I never knew he'd happily come along to every single moment of wedding planning.
I never knew he'd like my family so much.
I never knew he'd let me cry to him weekly (sometimes daily) about dumb things stressing me out.
I never knew he'd become my best friend and my entire life.

Now, I know it.

Among school, family, work, church, friends, and Scott, I feel like I'm finally realizing the possibilities ahead.
The incredible things I learned and experiences I had helped me grow into someone I always dreamed I could be, but never really thought possible.
I couldn't be more grateful for this year.
Good and bad times included.
I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything.
I look forward to this next year and all the changes ahead. 
I'm thankful that this year, I won't have to wait until May to be happy.
I can be happy in January.
And I can stay happy until December.

Here's to another year. A year I didn't anticipate would be facing me so soon.