November 9th- My collection of winter clothes
It snowed pretty hard on Friday and I was walking around campus not cold at all. It's because I own five pairs of boots, six coats, countless hoddies, hats, and scarves, four pairs of gloves, and a million pairs of fuzzy socks. Utah winters are intense and I'm really glad I have all the equipment I need :)
November 10th- Kittens
Saturday was a really hard day. I almost died (not really) driving to work. I was there for seven hours and it was just stressful. I came home and was so upset and had a hard time thinking of things to be thankful for. So, I got on the internet and looked at pictures of kittens. Calmed me right down. I love those cute little animals.
November 11th- Primary
While my dad has been recovering from his surgery I have been helping my mom with her primary class. I love those little kids. They are so adorable and say the best things. The lessons and songs are so simple yet so powerful. Primary teaches the Gospel in the simplest form and sometimes that's the best. They just stick to the basics and teach principles that develop testimonies. I absolutely love it.
November 12th- My car
I've been driving the Bronco for a while now and I absolutely love it. It makes weird sounds sometimes and gets horrible gas mileage. It has a 32 gallon tank for which I have to take out a loan to fill up. The dash board is basically falling apart and it has giant holes in the seat. But I love that thing. It gets me where I need to go and it has given me a lot of great memories. I've kissed all of my favorite boys in there and it has been the place for many great conversations. Not to mention all the great family trips it's been on. My parents bought it 17 years ago and have taken it all over the country. Back when I was little I never knew one day I'd be driving it. It totally rocks and I am very thankful for it.
November 13th- My BFFs
AnnaBomb and Elise. I got to spend time with both of them that day and it was nice to have chats about life with them. Sometimes I really miss seeing them every day but it makes me appreciate the times we get to be together even more. They've always been there for me and I appreciate the friendships that I have with both of them. They just rock :)
She's so pretty and I love her :)
Juss going to work!
November 14th- Music
I am a bandie. Well, not technically anymore but I still am in my heart :) I absolutely adore music. It makes my whole entire life wonderful. I love classical music more than anything ever. Studying it has made me appreciate it so much more than I ever thought I would. I feel like I hear music differently than most people. Sure, pop music is fun to sing and dance to, but it is not musically interesting at all. I'm into the stuff that involves theory and genius ideas. It just makes me happy when I'm watching classic Disney movies and I am able to pick out different character's themes. It's the best! :) I just love music a lot and I'm very thankful for it. I am also thankful for all the incredible people I've met because of band!
Middle School :)
My first marching season.
This was from Davis Cup and it was COLD.
Geoff and Edgar were like my besties!
Band Tour 2010
Great kids on that there back row!
My all time favorite picture and I just can't get over how cute it is.
Thanks Kayla... :)
Pep Band Jr Year
Sometimes I really miss football games... ):
Marching Band Jr Year
Styx :)
I loved being section leader for these fine kids :)
Just hanging out one night.
Seriously love them.
When we dressed like the staff on Super Hero Day at band camp.
Cept CJ picked that day to not look like himself...
Marching Band Senior Year
To the Summit and Beyond...
Senior night in Vegas.
3rd place.
Never forgotten.
The Marching Utes Experience
Best day of my life.
So much freaking fun!
Special thanks to Andrew, Josh, Collin, Matt, Anna, Layson, Bunnie, Scotty, Malcolm, Ger, Ryan, Kolby, Kara, Kayla, Jess, Jordan, Geoff, Christian, Josh, Nichole, Edgar, Jay, Katie, Garrett, Kaitlyn, Riley, Polo, Jake, Eva, Caleb, Kyle, CJ, Mr. Simpson and pretty much everyone else for being the greatest people to ever happen to me.
November 15th- Jesus Christ
Today we had an awesome lesson in institute about the Atonement and it really made me think yet again about how thankful I am for Christ. Last year Brother Johnson's Plan of Salvation lesson completely opened my eyes on how essential the Atonement is. Since Adam and Eve made the choice to come to Earth, we all are here today. And we are all cut off from the presence of God when we are born. Since we are just tiny humans we are not able to withstand the glory of God and cannot ever be with him again unless we are perfect. Since no one is ever going to be perfect, we're all never going to make it back to God. UNLESS someone could come here to Earth, suffer for our sins, die for us, and then return. Jesus Christ agreed to do this for us and because of him we are able to repent when mistakes are made and learn to be perfect like he is. If we didn't have him, there is no way we could ever live with God or our families again. I am so thankful for Christ and that he did what he did so I could live a happy life. I love my family and I am so glad I get to be with them forever. I am so thankful that I have a reason to strive to be better every day. I am working towards getting married in the temple to the man of my dreams and I am so excited. I love the Gospel and I especially love Jesus Christ. :)