I woke up pretty early* to get ready so I could get on the train at 8:23 to be at my 9:40 class on time.
My mom left me a real cute note in my bathroom and it totally made my day :)
She thinks I'm awesome :')
After that is my LEAP 1100 class. I'm still not 100% sure what that is but I like it. LEAP is this program that the U does to help kids with the same goals get together and learn. It takes care of your diversity credit for your general education but the content of the class focuses specifically on your major. So since I plan to major in business management one day, I am in business LEAP! We also have a peer adviser who brings us candy and keeps us updated on things happening around the school. It's almost like a homeroom class where you can actually feel comfortable as a stupid freshman! And we learn about things that are actually interesting :) score!
After my classes ended I went to the no good very bad bookstore (not really. It's actually like the coolest place ever! They have so much great Utah stuff! I want all of it!) to get my textbooks. I was only able to get two of them and I spent $98. Then I went back to the store the next day and spent $93. Also, I bought two books online for $120. Needless to say, my poor little bank account is mad at me for having to spend $311 on textbooks for one semester. Hopefully I'll be smarter next time. Ha. :)
Anyway, day two was less exciting. I have Nutrition at 9:10 and it goes until 10:30. I get kind of bored in there and it's hard to sit and pay attention to a lecture for that long. But, I know I need to listen and learn because I'm definitely not healthy. And it beats biology or chemistry for a science credit any day! :)
After that I walked over to the Institute to sign up for class. I hadn't really met any people yet and I felt so weird sitting alone in my classes and was feeling kind of lonely. But, as soon as I walked into the Institute, I felt so peaceful. I felt like I was back in my Seminary building with all of my friends and a million people who loved me. Everyone was so nice and said Hi to me. It was the BEST! I decided to take New Testament since I haven't had that for a while and I went to class. Brother Paige told us that we would be studying the life of the Savior in chronological order. He told us how important it is to learn about Christ so that we can come to know him and gain testimonies of him. My Tuesday/Thursday schedule was so freaking hard to plan out. I worried and worried about it all summer until I finally fixed it the Monday night right before my first day of T/TH classes. And now I am able to take the exact Institute class that I need in my life right now. I really do believe that our Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us and is always going to help us out, no mater what! :)
After that I get a little break to just chill and do homework. Then it's off to Music 2100, History of Rock and Roll :) I've said it before and I'll say it again. I absolutely adore music. I love it! It's pretty much my entire life. Last year I took Music 1010, which was just music appreciation and history. It was kind of a hard class but I loved learning about the history of music and why things are the way they are. Now I get to move to a more modern time and learn about legends like Elvis and Jimi Hendrix and the influence that they had on society and the entire music world. It's really great :) I think it'll be a fun class!
Riding the train to and from school is quite the event. I spend two hours a day commuting to/from school. In some ways it's nice because I can just read or sleep or write papers. But at the same time it's annoying because uh who likes sitting with a million strangers on a freaking train with no wifi for an hour? Yeah. Exactly. I've met some interesting people though. It's nice to have chats with people much older than me who give me advice about my future. A lot of them have said don't try to do too much and remember to have fun. I really take that stuff to heart. After all, strangers know best! :)
All in all college is pretty cool. It's nice to have freedom and responsibility. But it sucks having no friends and doing everything alone. Oh, and being hungry all the time isn't really that great either. Hopefully I can meet some super hot guy who is about ready to graduate and has a good career in mind so I can marry him and have one major life event that I always worry about out of the way ;) Or maybe we can just be friends or something. Haha :)
Well that's all folks! Have an excellent week!
*So pretty much every night this summer I went to bed at 2:30 am and woke up around 10. So when I say "pretty early" I mean like seven. Because seven IS early to me :P
Also, I miss my friends. A lot. We had so much fun this summer! So many great nights and adventures! So many laughs and pictures and good times. Two of my favorite people ever now live in Logan and are attending USU. I have two other friends who moved out, one is at Snow and the other SUU. And we can't forget my best friend in the whole entire world, Elise! She's now in Orem attending UVU. It's just weird having everyone gone. I miss being able to just round everyone up to watch movies or go to Denny's or whatever. Thankfully they are coming back this weekend to work and hopefully this time I can give them all proper goodbyes. They're all really awesome kids and I appreciate the good times we've had together! Anyway, enough ranting. I know friends don't really matter that much but I still get sad when I see a day dot or a punch card with someones initials who has already left. It kind of breaks my heart a little. Haha Kara you're such a baby :P
Now, for your entertainment pleasure-
Peace out, girl scout!
Hahaha so cute! Sounds like so fun! Institute really IS the best!! Especially during your school schedule, cause then you get a break and it helps you refocus to what matters most when you feel stressed and overwhelmed. Sounds like you've got yourself a full and crazy awesome schedule!! Good luck :)