Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Boy, the NBA Kid

I know it's Tuesday but whatever. Just be happy I'm posting something ;)
I was going through my phone pictures and found this beauty. Hahahaha.

So this one time Geoff tried to teach me how to play basketball. It was a disaster and so much freaking fun.
I got home from school and Geremy (Geoff's brother) called me and asked if I wanted to go with him to pick up his contacts. Since Geremy was my friend and I loved random adventures, I was like HECK YES! Geremy came and picked me up and Geoff was with him. I got all excited because I loved Geoff and I didn't get to see him that much. Since Geremy's car was little and Geoff loved me and always treated me really well, he sat in the back of the car and held dear to his basketball. :) (hence the picture)
When we got to the eye doctor, Geoff and I just stayed in the car. We just sat and talked about life and such. That's what we usually did since we went to different schools and didn't get to spend a lot of time together. When Geremy came back out we drove home and then he decided to ditch us. Geoff called his mom and asked if it was okay if we were in the house by ourselves as long as we stayed upstairs and just watched tv. Haha he was the cutest kid :) She said yes and we watched Marley and Me/Tommy Boy. We just sat on the ouch and he held my hand. Aw. ;)
When his mom got home our movies were over so we went outside to play basketball. The end of Geoff's street is like basketball central and that's where everyone in his ward just plays. We walked down there and I was so nervous. I super ultra mega lightening suck at sports, especially basketball. Geoff tried to teach me the basics of shooting and how not to look like an idiot. I definitely failed and he still laughs at me for it to this day. It was fun though :) I honestly love basketball and I wish I was better at it... haha.
Then I started getting hungry and my mom called so I had to go home. He walked me to my house just like he always did and made me feel a little better about my serious lack of skills. He said things like, "It's okay if you can't play basketball. You're cute." He always knew how to make my heart melt :P (CHEESE)
Geoff was my bestest friend back in the day. We kind of adored each other and always had fun when we got the chance to hang out. We could talk about anything and always had each other's backs. It's been over three years since the first time I looked in his eyes and thought to myself, "I never want to be without this kid, ever."
Since then our friendship has changed a lot and it used to really bug me. But, now I'm grateful for that. He's always been exactly what I needed and I'm glad we are still friends. It took me a long time to realize that we were never, ever getting back together. That was a hard concept for me to grasp since I thought he was so perfect. Haha stupid, I know but honestly I'm just really glad I got over that and could be friends with him again. I finally got my closure and oh man, was it great. :)
I still look up to him a lot (literally, now. He's grown like a foot since we became friends hahaha) and admire his hard work. He does so well in school! He has so many friends and always treats girls nicely. I've always loved that about him. He always opened doors for me and made sure that he knew I was taken care of. He's just one heck of a kid and I'm so glad I got to know him before he was all popular and whatnot ;)

The end.

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