Saturday, December 8, 2012

College From a Webcam

This semester involved lots and lots and lots of homework.
I mean really. Every single day I had at least an hour of stuff to do.
Which I know probably isn't a lot, but for a girl who has never done homework in her life... that's just a lot.
Anyway, sometimes I got super bored so I opened up my webcam and took snapshots of how I was feeling.
Let me share some of those with you today.
Now, I must warn you. They are not of super high quality but I think you'll get the idea.

The beginning of the semester was something like this:
Somewhat enthused.
Also, I love the Institute Building :)

My first big paper was a 5 page research paper on poverty and welfare. It was kind of a joke how not seriously I took that assignment. So this is me, wasting time at Challenger.
Preschool classrooms can make you go caraaazy.
And it was wicked cold in there.

Sometimes I just wanted to throw my computer across the room because the stuff we were reading/writing responses to in my writing class was just ridiculous.
It was 11 pm, I had been at work for seven hours, and I really just wanted to sleep.

For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to procrastinate my cultural analysis until the very last minute. I mean really though. I didn't start writing it until the day before it was due. It was a seven page paper on the topic of my choice. We were asked to write about something in the media that influences our culture. So naturally, I chose to write about the movie Mean Girls and how bullies are portrayed as popular and how that affects real life high school situations. I was at a complete loss for things to say and I watched the movie twice in hopes for inspiration. I ended up going to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 at 7:00 that night and when I got home at 10:00 I still didn't wanna write my paper. Finally at 11:00 after much convincing, I sat my butt down on my bed and cranked out that paper. I finished before 2 am and I was totally shocked. I thought I was going to have to stay up all night writing that thing. But I didn't. Oh, and I got an A. ;)
I had a photo shoot for a picture to put on Facebook and this was one of my favorites.
I started getting kind of crazy...
I was so flipping tired.

And now, here I am at the end of the semester. I had just finished my last nutrition test that I probably failed. I had only one thing left on my homework To Do list. I was ready to just sit down and cry because I was so close to the finish. But I didn't. Because I'm a mighty Ute. And mighty Utes don't cry!
Back at the Institute Building, my most favorite place ever.
And I actually edited this one because it's going on Facebook. HOLLA.


Have a happy Christmas break! :)

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