Holy Hannah.
My first semester of college will be over on Monday after I finish my last history of rock and roll test.
That is absolutely insane.
I can't believe how fast the time went by!
Seems like just yesterday I was writing this and this.
Anyway, I've learned a lot of really important things since I started college. Some academic, some not.
I learned that: You HAVE to sleep. HAVE to.
Working more than 25 hrs a week is death.
Procrastination is not the answer.
People don't care if you get ready or not, so you might as well just be comfy.
Fake it til you make it!
Always check for personal belongings before exiting the train.
Writing papers the night before they are due causes panic, releasing pure genius.
A's are EXTREMELY hard to get.
Textbooks cost more than an entire paycheck.
Eating is a good idea.
Walking is good for the soul.
Institute is the greatest thing to happen to me since seminary.
Boys really do eventually grow up.
Saving money is more important than having "stuff".
Being a semi-grown up is harder than it looks.
Having friends is important. They make life a lot happier.
Never take early classes.
Making To Do lists just might save your life.
Parents are the single most amazing thing in the world.
And most importantly, GO TO FREAKING CLASS. No matter how boring it sounds or how hard it may be, just freaking GO.
I hate to say this but I learned a lot of those things the hard way. And that's just a fraction of the things I've learned. I learned so much about writing, money, and nutrition it's crazy! I loved my classes (cept for history of rock and roll. That basically sucked.) a lot! I had some really great and influential teachers. I'm so thankful for all of them and for the opportunity I had to go to school. I truly am so blessed.
Also, I've been doing basically nothing but homework since last Tuesday.
I'm ALMOST done.
so basically, i really loved this post. i was laughing like.... the WHOLE time.. i cannot tell you how true all of this is... STILL and i'm 3 years in school... hahahahaha best part: "Writing papers the night before they are due causes panic, releasing pure genius." hahahahahahaha oh jeez. Kara, you crack me up.