Thursday, December 27, 2012

*Does Cartwheels*

Look at dem grades doe.
I'm so happy.
So, so, so, so, very happy.
I did it. 
And I did gooooood.
And even though it was hard,
I survived.
Bring on next semester :)

Notice anything different about my clock in receipt?
Probably not...
So I'll give you a hint.
It says MANAGER.
(and of course I kept it and hung it on my bulletin board. duh.)
I'm now officially a Team Lead.
Well, when I finish my book work I will be. 
But still, I get to manage my own shifts now!
And when I assign a cash drawer to my name, I'm a manager. 
I can void stuff and edit people's clock in/out times and such. 
I can do the safe count under my name.
 I can check hourly and labor and whatnot.
When I clock in the screen says, "SMILE! Have a great shift! :)"
I'm finally allowed to have that key Emily gave me in July.
And know the security code that I've also had since then.
I'm basically the boss. ;)
But really though.
Getting promoted after working at Jamba for only 8 months is incredible.
I don't think it's happened before and I have a lot of pressure to do a good job.
But, Emily says she knows I can do it and I'm really excited.
Yay for my life!

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOO!!! :) Seriously, I wish I got a 4.0. congrats girl! that is so awesome!!! :) and that is very exciting that you're moving up at work, it's the best!!! :)


Thoughts? :)