Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Quick! Say 10 Things You're Thankful For

I blame my hideous mood on wintertime. Yes, I know my last name is Winter. Ha Ha Ha. That doesn't change the fact that I hate it. Today is a terrible day. I fell and then slid down the hill while walking to class (stupid snow), had to clean my car off THREE TIMES (stupid snow), no one will pick up Kaylee so I have to go out and drive again (stupid snow), and I accidentally put too much water in my tomato soup (which if you think about it is technically just melted stupid snow). So I need to write down ten things I'm thankful for because I'm sick of being such a downer.

1- Whole milk and Fruity Pebbles
2- The friendly human beings at the Institute. And the free hot chocolate and banana bread.
3- Kittens. Always.
4- My incredibly wonderful coworkers
5- My family. Parents especially.
6- Texts from my best friend consulting me about fashion advice
7- The fact that I didn't die in the commute to school today
8- Clean laundry
9- My opportunity to go to college
10- Brother Page's awesome lessons

Also, I'm thankful for the hilarious things I find on the Internet


1 comment:

  1. UGH the scratchy green blanket from the trailer! YUCK!!! I am glad you are so thankful for Mom and Dad they are soooooo good to you and I am happy you recognize all they do for you :) Sorry you fell, hopefully you have a better night!


Thoughts? :)