We started out the trip with a snowy ride to the airport. Eventually we made it on the plane and while they de-iced we chatted and took pictures. Eventually we took off and got our snacks. They had cute polar bear napkins that Kaylee and I adored. Thankfully it was a short ride. I hate airplanes.
We took a stroll down the street to find some food. We ended up eating at a brewery that was totally delish. We took the bus to the Queen Mary and explored the flea market thing by the pier. Eventually we got to the actual Queen Mary and took pictures by the telephone booths. Then we went to Wal-Mart and Subway. Ultra ghetto. We went to bed, woke up, repacked, and headed off for the ship terminal. Security and check in was boring as ever. Finally we got on the pretty pink ship. :)
Because we are secretly four years old
If this doesn't make me look fourteen I don't know what does
Fun fact: I love telephone booths
The Queen Mary!
These cranes are for moving containers from ships on to land.
I thought they looked like dinosaurs/giraffes.

Kaylee and I switched beds for a sec.
This is part of our cabin :)
Dinner is my absolute favorite part of going on a cruise. I always spend way too much time getting ready and usually wear nicer stuff than necessary. But whatever cause I love getting cute to eat a meal. Plus Kaylee and I always take mirror pics before dinner. It's another one of our traditions. They had really yummy food and had a dance party every night. Our waitress would have Kaylee and I get up and do fun little dances with her. Everyone stared at us but whatevs. It was great.
First night by the tree in the atrium
Waiting for the show to start.
And then I had to go up on stage and do the YMCA.
I got a medal.
First formal night :)
Dresses we bought in Cabo
All hail the red sweater dress
By the tree in the dining room :)
Second formal night!
Sorry the colors are so bad ):
The shirt I got in Cabo.
Lollll @ Kaylee and I
The last night is always the saddest.
But we tried to act happy anyway.
My milk addiction was as bad as ever on this trip.
Every night I got a cup of milk with dessert.
Eventually they just started bringing it to me without me asking.
I loved our waitress and her helpers.
The shows every night with the singers and dancers were cute but the movie under the stars was the bessssssst. Out on the lido deck they have a huge screen by the pool. All day they show movies and such but it's most fun to go at nighttime. You can just chill in the pool or lay out on the deck chairs with blankets and watch movies under the stars. They night they showed Elf we went up early and saved some prime time seats. It got kinda cold so they shut the roof but it was still cool to look up and see starts. And those blankets were top notch.
Such a great movie. Seriously.
Since my parents totally rock we did some awesome shore excursions. We went whale watching one day and then had lunch at Cabo Wabo. Best fajitas of all time. The boat we went out on was little and fast. Kaylee and I held on for dear life as we sped out to a bunch of boats watching a pod of whales. We got so close to them! We didn't just SEE them breathing but we heard it too. There were six of them and we followed them around for a couple of hours. They come up to the surface about every 15 minutes and spend 4 or so minutes there. Seeing them come up out of the water and then dive back down is so cool. They were massive humpbacks and it was incredible to watch them just swimming around. And being about 40 yards from them makes it all that more awesome.
Beaches :)
Cabo San Lucas
I have no pictures of the whales so I get an F-. But my parents took a lot so maybe one day you will see them. :)
The next day we went on a semi-sub with my grandparents. We shopped a bit before we left and I was so thankful for that poncho thing I bought. It was freaking cold down in the bottom of the boat! We saw so many different kinds of fish. They attract them with tortillas hahahaha. I saw a sting ray and a million starfish. It's sometimes hard to believe that there are so many fish living in the ocean. Cabo is beautiful and it was fun to see different parts of it!
Leaving the harbor!
This is at the very end of the Baja Peninsula. Kinda cool :)
Our ship with some peeps on wave runners
It was such a nice day!
In Puerto Vallarta we did a dolphin encounter and HOLY HANNAH it was incredible. We all got to take turns petting and doing tricks with the dolphin. Then you got to take a ride around the pool. I honestly don't remember a time in my life that I have had more fun than I was having in that moment. I seriously couldn't believe what was happening. Swimming with a dolphin is no longer part of my bucket list. :) It was the best Christmas present I think I've ever had. Or ever will have.
We got to make it sing and dance, feed it fish, pet it, hug it, and ride it.
Seriously so cool.
Fun fact: they can swim upside down and backwards!
Laughing, of course
Then we got to make it do tricks.
It was like Sea World on steroids.
One time I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep. So I got my camera and my iPod and went out to take pictures of the ship when no people were around. The place was pretty dead. And I still didn't take that many pictures. :P
The atrium of the dining room
Where you eat dinner. Yum.
Glass elevators in the main lobby thing. I think it was 10 decks...
Of course I couldn't get a picture of the whole thing even though I was laying on the floor :P
I loved the Christmas decorations everywhere!
And it was most definitely 3:30 in the morning.
It was a reallllllly awesome trip and I'm so thankful that my parents took me on it. I always love to see new places and meet new people. I love exploring different cultures and experiencing once in a lifetime things. I can't even begin to tell you how many incredible things I've seen and done on vacations that my parents have taken me on, but I am still so thankful for them. :)
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