Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nerd Life Is Better Than Real Life

Last night was our annual Christmas Band Concert :) I love the Christmas concert! It's always my favorite! Our music isn't always perfect, but it's super fun to play! Plus I actually enjoy watching it :P Anyway since I am the president of the geeks...I spend the entire day running around like a madman getting everything ready, worrying that Mr. Simpson's heart will keep beating through all the stress, and making sure I solve everyone else's problems as well as my own. Oh and I must do all of this while pretending I have absolutely everything under control. THEN I get to hope I haven't been killed before I am able to perform. Fun, right? Oh yes. OHH yes.

The day began with me sitting in Music 1010 trying to stay awake and warm.

Fun fact: the choir room is ALWAYS freezing.  Because of this Ms. Richardson keeps a pile of folded blankets in the corner of her room for children to use in situations such as the of loss of feeling in their hands and feet. So basically I was wrapped up in a Star Wars/Little Mermaid blanket like a freaking burrito. Cute.

Back to what I was talking about- Ms. Richardson tried to mix things up and make the class more interesting by not turning on the projector and cutting up pieces she had printed out from the online textbook and having us read them. My only theory explaining the odd behavior is that the guy who actually teaches this class at SLCC was there observing her. Hmm. Teachers tend to do weird crap when they are being watched by someone who matters. hahaha.

After the conclusion of Music 1010 I went to my safe haven and second home- the band room. I love the band room so very very much. I basically live there. I have everything I'd ever need for survival in my locker :)
Exhibit A- My Locker :)
I guess most normal kids just keep their instrument in their lockers but I just have so much stuff that I have to keep it all in there. People often come read my quotes and comics that I have taped to the door. And I never, ever lock the thing. It's just a pain to open it every time I need some lotion or a snack. hahaha. Not many clarinet players can get away with having a big locker. "Being me has it's advantages." :)

How do you spell distracted? k a r a space t r y i n g space t o space b l o g.

Back to what I was talking about...again...Mr. Simpson had scheduled a combined rehearsal with everyone performing in the the concert for 6th and 7th periods. My 6th is normally symphonic band so I didn't miss that but I got out of going to English for 7th! Yay!! :)
Concert and symphonic bands set up on the stage to practice our combined numbers. *Meanwhile Kristianna is dying in the instrument storage room. Poor girl ): We ran our two pieces and then I was worried and bored so I left the stage and went to check on Anna. She looked like she was going to die! I felt so bad for her! Then all of the sudden she got up and ran to the garbage I got her the hair tie off my keys (out of my unlocked locker of wonder!) (now do you know why I don't lock it? :)) and let her put her hair up in case she threw up. Anyway long story short she felt terrible and decided to call her mom to check her out so she could go home and rest and try to feel better for the concert that night. After being the best friend in the whole wide world... ;)....I went back to the stage and continued playing until my fingers almost fell off.
Rehearsal ended and I went to the cafeteria to get some lunch. We were on a whacked out schedule because there was going to be an assembly at the end of the day so I had no idea what lunch was happening or if I'd have someone to sit with. But I was so hungry that I didn't care and I basically ran there like a 7th grader and got my yummy food. Mitch came and sat with me :) He's a little alto sax player who I became friends with last marching band season. OH- and he can lick his elbow ;)
Mich when he was young :)
When I was done eating I went back to the band room and watched Kara E and Cody practice for their special number :) I love those kids! They graduated last year and it was good to see them again! They spent most of the time trying to get me to go to college where they go. Hahaha it was great :)
The assembly was fantastic :) We ended up raising $24,213.04 for sub for Santa! I was so happy! We didn't reach our goal of 25K but that's pretty close and really exciting! :)
After school got out I went home and got ready for the concert! I decided to wear my under armour and basketball shorts with my concert black top so that when I was running around getting stuff ready I wouldn't be tripping over my stupid skirt :P When I got to the school Simpson told me he needed to go home and put his tux on and that I was supposed to get the programs and put them by the door. He never told me WHERE the programs were though...haha "This is a problem..." I thought to myself, "But never fear! The band president is here! And I can do anything!" noope. The dumb programs were nowhere to be found. I knew there were some in the choir room leftover from their concert the night before so I snuck in there and stole the box! Muahahahah!!! Then I stole the little table from the lunch line and set the box on it. I was nervous because it looked like crap and we definitely needed more programs....Luckily Simpson came back and told me where they were and I put them out. WHEW. :)
The next dilemma after that was trying to find outfits for everyone to wear. DUH. Like if you wake up the morning of a concert and you KNOW that you don't have a dress, wouldn't you try to fix that problem sooner than 43 minutes before you perform? Seriously. Well thanks again to the choir, girls were able to borrow dresses from their friends and everything was great! Cept I was extremely nervous and stressed... until... :)
Clarinet :)
My Pretty Necklaces :)
This life-saving angel called the contrabass clarinet player came and talked to me. I was sitting on a chair in the middle of the band room just breathing and trying to stay alive when he came up to me and said, "I like your necklace." Now, I was wearing my medallion and NO boy in the universe younger than 37 has ever said those exact words to me. So it totally made me glow :) Plus he high-fived me and said I was amazing when I told him I had two of them... :) I like when boys know the importance of it. It's not just a necklace. It's an award I worked very hard to get and it made me happy to have a cute boy notice it. :) So then he just started to ask me questions about myself and we talked about random things and he smiled and made me feel so calm. Like, it was as if all the sick children in the world had been healed!
But seriously! It probably saved my life and the lives of a few others! hahaha
After that I don't remember anything bad happening! Everything went great! None of the songs crashed and burned, we had a big audience, we made quite a bit of money for sub for Santa, and it was just an all around great night! :) I love my band! I'm so glad they all worked hard and played their best! :) :)
I'm very thankful my whole family was there to see me! They are the best family in the whole dang world :) They've always been so supportive of me. Especially my parents. They go to all of my marching band competitions and are always there to cheer me on :)
I can't believe that my senior year is almost half over. The time is just flying by! But I'm loving every minute of it :)

Until next time!

This makes me laugh. :)

P.S. Happy Birthday to my favorite Brother-in-Law Shane! :)

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