Yesterday I went to the ever famous Boswell Family Christmas Party! That's my mom's side of the family. :) We went up to my grandparents's's's's's (words that end in S are stupid) cabin and had a jolly good time. Now, since they wanted to have the party on Sunday, I had to miss church. I hate missing church. I feel like I missed out on something great every time I don't go. Hahah I'm a freak...Well I guess I took one for the team and went to the party despite my deep desires to go talk to Elise about her life :) Anyway- They had the cabin decorated so cute! The whole place looked like a winter wonderland :) We ate food and took naps and had a wonderful reenactment of the nativity. And when I say wonderful I mean Kara singlehandedly told then entire story in about 14 seconds while all of her cousins held their little ceramic people/animals and complained about how badly they didn't want to participate. Now doesn't that sound FUN?! :) Well it was! Then my grandma gave us our presents! She made all of the grand kids their very own quilt. Mine is pretty much adorable! I got to help make it earlier this year :) After that we ate more food and packed up our car and headed home.
My sister Chantel stayed at our house and watched the season finale of Next Iron Chef. This is pretty much the best show on television...ever. Who knew food could be so intense!? Anyway our favorite guy won, Geoffrey Zakarian! :) He may be old but I think he's a babe ;) ahaha :) He totally beat the lady on the right!!! I don't like her :P
Since Jordan School District is LAME I had school today. And since my teachers want to "make the most of our time at school while we should be at home eating ourselves into a coma" they are keeping me very busy. Music 1010 was just as exciting as ever! *note the sarcasm. We listened to some music written a long time ago by people who are now dead and it was extremely hard to stay awake. Don't get me wrong- I love music! But having a class at 8 a.m. where all you do is learn music history and listen to music, it is nearly impossible to stay awake. Plus there are 6 kids in the class so that really adds to the excitement!
In band Mr. Simpson was locked in his office until the period was half over so our dearest Layson led us in something I like to call "pull out whatever the heck you can find in your folder and we'll play it" while we waited for out teacher. On the bright side, Anna (my best friend and section leader) helped me with high fingerings and got mad at me for not asking about that months ago when we got our music. Luckily she forgave me and let me live another day ;) English was filled with lots and lots of writing until my hand almost fell off. Seriously Mr. Olpin- we do absolutely NOTHING for an entire quarter and then today you tell us that we have to turn in a bunch of crap? Well since I'm such a fantastic student I had most of my work already done...I only had to read one chapter and write an essay. Being on task FTW! ha :)
And now it is time for music composition. Oh how I loathe music composition. You know, I took this class because I wanted to get my emphasis in Instrumental Music. Well turns out no one cares if you wear a purple cord at graduation or not so I could have saved myself the trouble and just taken ballroom or ceramics like everyone else. BOO. Anyway Ms. Richardson decided it would be fun to have us copy the Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah books and transfer it into finale (a music writing computer program pronounced fin-AL-eee...aka I hate you Kara why do you even try to write music because you suck). Yeah. This assignment is stupid. With a capital stupid. So I'm blogging instead. Ha! I told myself if I got through 30 measures of it I could blog. TAKE THAT MR. GEORGE F. HANDEL! :) Oh dear. I'm ranting. Something I told myself I would never do on my blog. Well whatever this is for me right? :)
The bell. The beautiful bell just rang! I can go home and watch Chopped with my sister now. Yay!
Oh look- a puppy :)
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