Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Baby Benny Is Here!

GUYS GUYS GUYS!!! I'm an aunt!!!!

Clear back on the 24th of July my brother called me from Colorado and told me that the littlest Winter was currently the size of a blueberry. I was stoked. I've been (sort of) patiently waiting his arrival since then. I wanted the baby to be a girl so so so badly and still secretly hoped he would come out a girl even after they had their ultrasound... but alas, the doctor was right and Benny is indeed a little boy. It's okay- Chantel and I had fun buying all of the cute little boy clothes and accessories we could find ;)

He came early Saturday morning and it was a surprise to everyone! He wasn't due until March 10th and Natalie was hoping it would be later than that so she wouldn't have to go back and finish out the school year at the end of her maternity leave, but babies just do what they want I guess ;) Friday night Kyle and Natalie were at the Jordan River temple and when they were walking out her water broke! (I guess since he couldn't wait two more weeks he at least waited until the session was over haha) They went home and packed up all their things and headed to the hospital.

I, of course, had no idea any of this was going on. I went to bed pretty early but at 11:30 I suddenly woke up and thought to check my phone. My mom had texted me and said "did you hear the news" and I was like whaaa? Suddenly a rush of text messages came in from all of my siblings and I was so excited! I kept waking up every hour to check my phone and I got NOTHING all night long. At 7:30 Kaylee told me all the details and I was so sad I missed it. I was also super bummed that no one told me anything :( Again, a rush of text messages poured in from the whole night with all the updates and whatnot. Stupid iPhone. Anyway, he was born at 2:19 am and was happy and healthy.

Scott and I got up and headed to the hospital to meet up with my family. When we walked in Kaylee was holding him and he was the most perfect teeny tiny little thing. He was all swaddled up and wearing a little hat. I just stared at him and eventually got to hold him. It was definitely scary! I haven't been around very many babies and especially not any newborns. But, he was so still and quiet and just perfect. He is five pounds and six ounces and 18 and a half inches long. I love him so, so much! I can't wait for him to grow so I can play with him and tell him how cute he is! Benjamin will do great things in his life, I just know it.

I already miss him so much.
He's the sweetest little babe.


1 comment:

  1. i LOVE newborns! they are the most heavenly things. what a neat experience! i remember holding my oldest nephew FIVE years ago and boy, time sure flies so have fun with him at all his stages. it will be so fun to tell him about all the funny things he did- and take a lot of pictures. there is my mouth full of advice. haha! congratulations auntie! it's SO fun being an aunt- i am sure you already know this now. :)


Thoughts? :)