Sunday, January 12, 2014

Having a Cool Fiancé is Nice

Scott is literally the most popular, friendly, amazing guy ever. Which is nice. Because then we get to do awesome stuff. :)

A couple weeks before Christmas we were given the opportunity to go to the MoTab Christmas Concert on Sunday morning at the Conference Center. This production is so big and amazing that they perform it several times so more people can attend. Since Scott knows people who know people, we got tickets for Sunday morning- That's the session they put on TV :) I felt so lucky. I've always wanted to go! I love music, Christmas, and the Gospel, so it was perfect! 
We woke up bright and early and drove to Salt Lake. We probably should have left a little bit brighter and earlier because there was literally nowhere to park. Again, Scott is really cool so he knew about this church nearby that we could park at. We finally made our way down the crowded street to the church. We were literally running towards the Conference Center because we were late. I was so worried they were gonna lock the doors and not let us in! Anyway, there were still mobs of people outside so we just went along and found the door we were assigned to. 
Now, here's the part where I am REALLY grateful my fiancé is so cool... We get inside and show some ushers our tickets. The man said, "Oh, VIP is this way." I was like WHHHHAAAT? We went where he told us to and we found out we were sitting on the lower level. I was so excited! I've never been cool enough for that! We kept walking like 5 feet, showing our tickets, and being told to keep going. We were getting closer and closer to the stage and we just kept looking at each other in shock. Finally we found our seats. And they were most definitely on the 12th row. We sat by the family in his ward that gave us the tickets. Their mother is in the bell choir so she was given some tickets to give to people. AND LET ME TELL YOU, THEY GAVE THAT WOMAN SOME DANG GOOD TICKETS. It was amazing. The entire concert was 2 hours long. We were SO CLOSE to the prophet. AND we got to be part of some clapping and laughing sound bytes. ;) It was truly the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed. I was beaming the whole time. I wouldn't have traded that experience for anything! 

All the performers after the finale.
No zoom. :)

And of course, the cute boy ;)

And last night, another couple from his ward took us out to dinner as a pre-wedding present. We went to The Roof and it was amazing. Seriously. Amazing. I ate SO MUCH FOOD. I want to go back literally right now. We had such a fun evening and talked and laughed about engaged/newlywed/20yearsofmarriage life :) I love the Platts. I hope one day the Scott/Kara Simpson family can be as awesome as they are! We had an incredible view of the Salt Lake Temple and the Utah Sate Capitol. Anyone who says Utah isn't awesome should just leave. Cause we have some pretty cool stuff! I'm just so thankful to be engaged to someone that always has a new experience for me waiting around every corner. He helps me get up and out and it makes me so happy. I'm so thankful for all the fun times we've had together these last 8 months. I can't wait for the rest of our lives :)

Don't forget to marry someone awesome. :)

1 comment:

  1. "Don't forget to marry someone awesome." I hope you use that in your wedding. It's... well... *awesome*. ;) :D


Thoughts? :)