Thursday we both worked all day and by the time we got home I was too lazy/tired to cook anything. I told Scott I wanted to order pizza and with the happiest look on his face he said "REALLY?!" :)
Just look at that delicoiusness.
We're keeping Dominos in business.
The next day was the 4th and we both had to work all day again. I wore the It's My Birthday badge at work because I do what I want. And I wasn't working my actual birthday but still wanted a chance to wear it. Our owner came in to drop off checks and he hugged me and told me to have the best birthday ever. He's such a sweet man.
After work I went to my parents house to eat spaghetti and wait for Scott to get off work. We were planning to go to the Sandy parade and watch the fireworks like we had done the year before. But since we weren't actually IN the parade it sounded less and less fun every minute. My family was going to the Bees game and suggested we just go and sit on the grass. So that's just what we did. :)
It was hot and sunny and packed. About the 6th inning my mom texted me and told me there were two empty seats right by them so we fought through the crowds to get to them. It was a good decision. It was nice to be back where we always sit. I have never and will never sit on the grass again. Section 106 or bust. We had a perfect view for the fireworks :)
We moved just in time for the pretty sunset!

Dat iPhone doe

My sister thinks she's so cool
(She kind of is)
Saturday was my birthday! I danced around and couldn't believe that I was finally 20. Scott went to get eggs and came back with donuts and a card. There isn't much in this life better than sugar donuts and Scott's scrambled eggs. He knows me well.
Then I showered and started getting ready while he cleaned the ENTIRE apartment. I just thought he was waiting to shower and whatnot because he didn't want the steam in the bathroom to ruin my hair. (which was partly true...) But he was actually just killing time waiting for the delivery man to bring me these beauties :)
Then we headed for the mall. He told me I had a $400 limit. (HA! LIKE I WOULD EVER SPEND THAT MUCH ON CLOTHES.) He was so cute and so patient while I tried on a million things at a hundred different stores. I was eventually done and we went to Chick Fil A. I got a free shake! And then we went home so I could get ready (again) to go to dinner. My family met us at Macaroni Grill! Then we went back to my parents house for cake and whatnot. Scott surprised me with the sweetest gift. He had collected little happy birthday/why Kara is awesome messages from a bunch of my friends and family and put them in a book with some of my bridal pictures. It was so fun to see all the nice things people wrote to me. It was such a thoughtful present and I absolutely loved it. As well as the Urban Decay foundation and scarf/cardigan outfit my sisters gave me :)
Kaylee made me flag cake.
I loooooveeee flag cake.
I loved my new outfit :)
Notice: Scott and Kaylee are the only people who like to take pictures with me.
That's why they are the only people featured in this blog post.
Sunday we had church in the morning and then after we went to see Scott's family. They had been camping all weekend and were totally beat. I pretty much just took a nap and played with the cats. My two favorite things. :) Then we went over to my family's house for a BBQ with my grandparents. It was fun and delish. I love that our families are two minutes from each other. It makes holidays/events so much easier. After dinner Scott and I helped Kaylee clean her room. That was quite the task! Eventually we went home and I enjoyed my new VS jammies. I got them for $16 and it was amazing.
Birthday weekend was a success! I'm happy to finally be 20 :)
Hello! No idea how you found my blog but I can't tell you how excited I am that you commented so I could see yours! You two are so cute and I love happy newly wed love so please keep blogging for my entertainment! Happy Birthday Kara!