But I have learned a few things in the last little while.
-I learned how to turn on my oven. Life would have been over if it was really broken.
-It takes 67% longer to make brownies in said oven, but they still turn out delicious.
-I have made dinner every single night since we came home from our honeymoon. A fed husband is a happy husband. Also, eating dinner together as a family every night is very important to me... even if we have to wait until 11 pm to actually eat.
-I'm probably going to spend every minute of the next 20 years thinking that I'm pregnant. Props to me for worrying about literally everything in the world.
-Laundry piles up FAST when there are two of you. Also, I wish with all of my heart that we had a washer and dryer. I think my parents are about to stop letting me come over every week to do laundry. Thankfully we always have the Simpson and Simper homes ;)
-Sometimes it's nice to just lay down and watch TV. It's okay to ask for nights off work just to spend time at home.
-Scott eats more cereal than anyone, ever. I had no idea milk was so expensive.
-I am a shopaholic. This isn't new information, but now that I can't justify buying clothes and shoes, I just splurge on case lot sales and grocery runs. I can totally justify stocking up on things while they are on sale. Guess who currently owns 18 pounds of pasta? Me. And I paid $9 for all of it. Suck it.
-Remembering to transfer trains is harder than I thought it would be. I have yet to actually forget and end up somewhere I really shouldn't be, but I'm not saying it couldn't happen.
-Taylorsville/West Valley isn't actually as scary as I always thought it was. People are really nice here. And it really isn't that different from West Jordan.
-It is so much easier to keep a tiny house clean than a big one. I can honestly say I would have gladly accepted guests in here any time after we moved in. High five to me for keeping this place neat and tidy.
-The people that live upstairs talk super loud. Sometimes our entertainment of the night is being really quiet and laughing about the stuff we hear them say. I know it's probably an invasion of privacy, but they know we live here too and they still choose to yell. So I really don't feel that bad.
-There are so many things that are more fun than doing homework...
-I love Scott even more now than I did before. I appreciate him so much. He works so hard and does so many nice things for me. I don't understand how he gets it all done, but he does. He's basically Superman.
I'm just really happy.
Please enjoy one of the three pictures I took on our honeymoon. Elevator pictures are a must.
omg. brady eats all of our cereal too!! haha and laundry gets piled up so fast and I can't stop shopping and I always think I'm pregnant. welcome to married life:)