I bet you guys didn't think I could post three times in one day...
well you were WRONG.
if you were an animal, what would you be?
A dolphin.
Have you ever seen a sad dolphin?
if you were really famous, you would be famous for...
Having the most cats of any person ever.
if you were the richest person in the world, what would you
spend your money on?
Probably traveling. I'd love to see the world :)
if you were a school lunch, what would you be?
Teriyaki beef strips. Cause those were always my favorite.
if you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what
would it be?
if you could change your name, you would change it to...?
ahahaha, Mrs. ........ I'm not brave enough to post that right now.
Sorry kids :P
if you could change one thing about the way you look it
would be...
I'd love to have thicker hair. That'd be nice.
if you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life
it would be...
4 minutes and 33 seconds by John Cage.
It's a real song.
YouTube it.
I'd rather sit in silence for the rest of my life than have the same song play over and over and over and never stop.
if you had a baby boy you would name it...
if you had a baby girl you would name it...
if you could shop at one store only it would be...
They got errythang.
if my life were a movie it would be called...
5'2 in a 6 foot world
if i had a rock band it would be called...
A Band.
if you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Maybe invisibility or mind reading.
I would love to get inside someone's head or spend time with them when they think they are alone.
You sure would learn a lot about people that way...
if there was one thing in this world you could stop what
would it be?
I feel like things fly by much too quickly and precious moments are always passing us by.
On the other hand, kidnapping needs to be stopped....
if you were a bird, where would you fly to?
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Oooh, that's a toughy.
Depends on the time of year I guess.
if you could name a town, what would you call it?
And everyone has to have a cat or ten.
if you could have any kind of dog, what would it be and what
would you name it?
I've always wanted a beagle and I'd name it Frankie or something.
if you could get a job anywhere, where would it be?
I think it would be fun to work at Disneyland :)
if you could name a casino, what would you call it?
Go home and don't lose all your money?
if you were a desert what would you be?
Dry and hot.
However, I kinda feel like that is supposed to say DESSERT, so we're gonna go with brownies.
if you could own any sports team, what team would you
The Boston Red Sox <3
if you could make one wish, what would you wish for?
Fifty five more wishes.
Or a nice boyfriend.
Either one.
if you had a purple cat, what would you name it?
Don't ask.
if you could bring someone back to life, who would it be?
Maybe my grandma.
I think it'd be cool to meet her.
if you could change your birthday, what day would you make
The fourth instead of the fifth.
But then again, I absolutely love my birthday and I'm glad I don't have to share with America ;)
if you could change anything about your life, what would you
I would definitely change my serious lack of a love life. Yep.
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