Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dear Boys Part 3

Here we go again.... :)

Dear Convenient,
Honestly, you aren't fooling anyone. Stop trying to act like you don't care. We all know you do.
Sincerely, Still Not Interested

Dear Picklzz,
I wish you would text me back. I feel like you don't even care about me anymore. It's weird not being able to talk to you all day long. I wish you were at least doing something important :/
Sincerely, Be My Prince

Dear Boy,
Thanks for teaching me to never get excited for anything. Ever. Thanks for teaching me how to cry and scream and hate you but still have a place for you in my heart. You are the reason I don't even feel welcome in my own "home". You honestly make me feel so unwanted. You've lied to me time and time again and it makes me so mad. At least this time I saw it coming and didn't believe you. Sometimes I have a hard time thinking about what we once had. How perfect our friendship was. But you never cared about me when your stupid friends were around. You left me completely alone when all I wanted was a little comfort. I wanted to hit you that night. Punch you so hard that you'd understand how much you've hurt me. But I didn't because for some reason I loved you. And probably still do. I guess I'm just mad at myself for never saying any of this to you. Maybe because the truth is, I don't even mean any of it. And I would probably take you back tomorrow because I'm weak. Stop being everything to me when I mean nothing to you. I respect our past, you don't even acknowledge it. Sucks hardcore.
Sincerely, Girl

Dear Elder,
Happy birthday! I can't believe you're 20! You're almost to the year mark. :) Can't wait to have my friend back.
Sincerely, One Of The Few That Still Writes

Dear Tubaba,
I. Can. Not. Wait. For. Prom.
Thanks again for asking me :)
Sincerely, Kawa

Dear Piano Man,
Your concert last night was incredible. I can't even express to you how thankful I was that you took time to run through the program with me before it started. And giving me the microphone :) I feel stupid for being more nervous than you were :P hahah thanks for shaking my hand and autographing my friend's book! You really are an incredible man. I adore your music. Thanks for playing my favorite song :)
Sincerely, Band President

Dear Real Friend,
It's hard to be with you ALL DAY EVERY DAY, but I'm sure it's not easy for you either. Thanks for being a pal and putting up with me. I don't know what I'd do without you!
Sincerely, NO

Dear Brother,
When you get married and move out I'm really gonna miss cleaning up after you. Oh wait. No I'm not. :) I love you so much! Thanks for being great.
Sincerely, Sister

Dear Tip Top Tux,
You're hilarious. I'm so glad I got to come visit last night! You made Josh look real nice :) an your dog is cute.
Sincerely, Going To Prom With A Stud

Dear Dad,
Come home NOW. Mom is making us eat basically nothing because SHE'S on a diet. Lame, right? Anyway I hope you're safe!
Sincerely, Me

Dear Teacher,
Thanks for making fun of me today. In front of the whole class. But, I guess I could have avoid it if I just practiced. Oh well :P
Sincerely, I'll Get You Back One Day

Dear JJ,
Call me. Pleaseeee. My dad would be so proud of me!
Sincerely, I Need Money

Dear Kony,
Wtf man?! What you do is NOT okay. And that video gave me nightmares. So thanks, jerk.
Sincerely, You Will Be Stopped!

Dear Smiley,
You make all my cares and worries just disappear :) I adore you.
Sincerely, Melting

Dear Bro Jo,
Thanks for all the lessons that I swear you give specifically for me. You've helped me out so much.
Sincerely, Learning

Dear VP,
I want to hug you. You are my lifesaver, literally.
Sincerely, The P

Whoa. I feel kind of better now. :)
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part is:

    "Dear Kony,
    Wtf man?" HAhahahahahahahahaha


Thoughts? :)