Friday, May 25, 2012


So today is the "last day of school". But not really cause they keep telling us we have to come to classes on Tuesday and Wednesday. Whatever. Anyway we had our goodbye assembly and it was really great. :) We did pep band before it started and then played the fight song just like we do every assembly. Then Anna, Katie, and I put our stuff away and went to watch the rest of it. When Ham did bear chairs and HEY COPPER HILLS I got all sad and realized that this was the last time I would get to stand up and cheer and clap as a GRIZZLY. People danced, did skits, talked, stuff like that. When the SBOs sit on the stairs and say goodbye to everyone, that's what gets me. They stand up and flash their college shirts and jump behind the curtain. Everyone cries and they play touching music. It's TORTURE. Anyway when that was over the madrigals sang the school hymn and I couldn't even finish it because I just put my head down and cried. :( I don't want this to be over. I love high school!
Last night I was thinking about all the great things that have happened over the years. And I would like to write them down so I can remember them forever. So here goes :)

Sophomore Year: Leave a Legacy
First day of band. First day of school. Oakland. Movie on the court. Football games. Football hall. Practice field with all the holes. West Side Story show. Scotty. Geremy. Malcolm. Concert band. Competitions. Bus rides. Boy and Girl. Taylor Swift. Region dances. Pep band. TOUR. Disneyland. Seniors. Freshman. Learning to eat lunch alone. Driving around and just talking with people. World Civ. Chemistry. Seminary. English. College prep. Drivers Ed. CIS 1020. Lauren sharing her locker with me. Killer Bunnies. Book of Mormon. Band pajama days. Jewlie my love. Happiness.

Junior Year: The Impossible is Possible
Band council Librarian. Styx show. Us history. Math 1010 and 1050. Government. College boyfriend. Utah band obsession. New instructors. Jacob Bradshaw teaching me about life. Babies. Mission farewells. Doctrine and Covenants. Reading. Seminary. Vacations. Hymn singing. Missing the seniors. Kayla, Jess, Kara. AnnaBomb. Dances. Homecoming. Sadie Hawkins. Sweethearts. Prom. MORP. Dates. Concerts. Movie nights. Ducky. Parks. West Hills. Texting. Being looked up to. Symphonic band. Research paper. German exchange student. Carpool. Graduation. Rehearsals. Banquet. Parties. Looking forward to senior year.

Senior Year: Creating Heroes
Band council PRESIDENT. Meetings. Callings. Seminary council. To The Summit and Beyond. Missing Scott. Letters. Writing. Friends. Living at school. October 8th. :) <3 data-blogger-escaped-1010.="" data-blogger-escaped-3rd="" data-blogger-escaped-:="" data-blogger-escaped-afraid.="" data-blogger-escaped-all="" data-blogger-escaped-alone.="" data-blogger-escaped-applying="" data-blogger-escaped-at="" data-blogger-escaped-awkward="" data-blogger-escaped-back="" data-blogger-escaped-band.="" data-blogger-escaped-bank.="" data-blogger-escaped-basketball.="" data-blogger-escaped-being="" data-blogger-escaped-best="" data-blogger-escaped-besties.="" data-blogger-escaped-blizzard.="" data-blogger-escaped-blog.="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-bronco.="" data-blogger-escaped-change="" data-blogger-escaped-churches.="" data-blogger-escaped-classes.="" data-blogger-escaped-college.="" data-blogger-escaped-conversations="" data-blogger-escaped-crying.="" data-blogger-escaped-dance.="" data-blogger-escaped-day="" data-blogger-escaped-dinner="" data-blogger-escaped-dismissal.="" data-blogger-escaped-driving="" data-blogger-escaped-drops="" data-blogger-escaped-english.="" data-blogger-escaped-every="" data-blogger-escaped-everything.="" data-blogger-escaped-experience="" data-blogger-escaped-football="" data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-friday.="" data-blogger-escaped-friends.="" data-blogger-escaped-games.="" data-blogger-escaped-goodbye.="" data-blogger-escaped-graduation.="" data-blogger-escaped-haha.="" data-blogger-escaped-having="" data-blogger-escaped-homecoming.="" data-blogger-escaped-hopes.="" data-blogger-escaped-in="" data-blogger-escaped-it="" data-blogger-escaped-jamba.="" data-blogger-escaped-jay="" data-blogger-escaped-job="" data-blogger-escaped-last="" data-blogger-escaped-late.="" data-blogger-escaped-living="" data-blogger-escaped-long.="" data-blogger-escaped-meetings="" data-blogger-escaped-music="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-parking="" data-blogger-escaped-place.="" data-blogger-escaped-primary.="" data-blogger-escaped-prom.="" data-blogger-escaped-realizations.="" data-blogger-escaped-red="" data-blogger-escaped-riding="" data-blogger-escaped-rocks="" data-blogger-escaped-rooming="" data-blogger-escaped-saying="" data-blogger-escaped-school.="" data-blogger-escaped-seminary="" data-blogger-escaped-senior="" data-blogger-escaped-sick="" data-blogger-escaped-state="" data-blogger-escaped-staying="" data-blogger-escaped-sunshine.="" data-blogger-escaped-sweethearts.="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-the="" data-blogger-escaped-time...="" data-blogger-escaped-tour.="" data-blogger-escaped-trials.="" data-blogger-escaped-twitter.="" data-blogger-escaped-up.="" data-blogger-escaped-up="" data-blogger-escaped-werewolves.="" data-blogger-escaped-winning="" data-blogger-escaped-with="" data-blogger-escaped-worrying.="" data-blogger-escaped-worthless="">
Wow. What an experience this has been. I love looking back but I can't look back wishing I could still be there. It's time to move forward. So here's to a new life!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Facing Fears

So as most of you know, I'm super afraid of spiders. Like, I hate them. I always cry and make my mom kill them for me when I see one.
Well, ever since last year I discovered this excellent thing called "kill them while they are still babies and then you don't have to deal with as many big ones" because then they never get the chance to grow up into those giant beasts I have nightmares about.
So in the springtime when the new babies are born and I find one in my bedroom or something, I kill it. I used to get all scared to do that but now it's like nothing. I'm so proud of myself. I'm slowly working myself up to killing bigger ones and I know it's because I've decided to face my fear. :)
I know that this may sound lame to some people but for me it's a huge accomplishment. And I'm super happy about it. :)

Funny picture time!!

Senior Dinner Dance

Last Friday (the 11th) was Senior Dinner Dance! I went with Elise and Emery and we had a BLAST! My mom is really nice and bought me the red dress I've always wanted to wear to it!
I came home from school and took a shower and got ready for the dance. I curled my hair and waited for the time to pass...
We decided to take the train up to the U so we left around 5:30. We had a lot of fun on the ride there. Emery brought her nail polish and painted her toes. That was quite the funny time :) It took all three of us to help complete the task, but the results were worth the struggle.

So freaking great. :)

Just waiting for the train :)
Getting Elise to take a picture without making some sort of face is nearly impossible.

We talked and laughed and reminisced on the past years of High School. We took a lot of silly pictures and tried to contain our excitement for the dance!

Again with the faces...

 All of our class rings!

When we got there we walked across the giant parking lot over to the stadium. We went up the elevator and waited at the top of the tower until it was time to go in. There were quite a few people there already and we had some super legit awkward conversations with people we kind of know but not really. It was most excellent! We enjoyed the view of basically the whole valley and watched the sun being to set. :)
Finally it was time to go in and we were greeted by some very nice waiters and beautifully set tables. It was like being on a cruise only not as great. hahahaha.

Our cute table :)

Some girls came and sat with us and we made some more awkward conversation.... I really wish I had more senior friends.... But it was still nice! The food was delish and we were all so flippin hungry! After we finished eating we took a trip to the bathroom to take some more pictures :)

I finally got Elise to smile!

Eventually it was time for us to go outside and wait until the tables were put away so that we could have our dance!
We went and sat in the seats overlooking the whole stadium. I looked out at the campus and I had this heart-wrenching feeling that I needed to be at the U this fall...I love it there. I've been there quite a few times for various band events. I had flashbacks of doing pregame in the blizzard and being in the stands with the Marching Utes. I thought of Corps Encore last summer, cheering on the Cadets as they bossed up their show. I have memories of Youth Conference and staying up until 3:30 a.m. chatting with Elise. I thought of the field house and running over to hug Caleb, Eva, and Andrew. Playing games and having clarinet sectional with people way cooler than me. I thought of doing Ute Walk and visiting the drunk tailgaters. I thought of the drumline and their total legitness. I want so badly to be a part of that...
Plus it's an excellent school with tons of options. I got accepted to go there this fall and I would absolutely love to go and live my college dream... but at the same time it's expensive and I just want to do my generals at SLCC until I can figure out what to do with my life. One day The University of Utah will be my school... I just wish I had the guts to make it sooner....
Anyway- I just have quite the emotional attachment to that place. :) So we were finally invited inside and our dance began! They had a live band consisting of people who graduated last year. They were pretty good but it was also nice when the DJ took over and we had stuff we could really jam to! :P
After a long time of dancing and walking around and taking pictures and talking to people, we decided it was time to leave. So we went to the elevator and as soon as we stepped outside we heard the train coming. Elise, Emery, and I ran for our lives to the end of the parking lot where the train was. I thought we were going to die. hahaha thankfully we made it on just in time and Emery and I had a nice chat on the way home.

Tired smiles :)

All in all it was a pretty great dance. I didn't have as much fun as I thought I would but looking back it was still a good time! :) I really loved being up at the U with people I'm never ever going to see again for one last party.

Senior Dinner Dance
Class of 2012
"Mission Accomplished"

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dear Boys Part 6

Today I feel like being bold. So I'm going to use real names.

Dear Kolby,
I wish I could spend more time with you. I hate that I don't ever have a free day to just watch movies and eat crackers. Maybe when school gets out my life won't be so insane... Anyway thanks for being my best friend. I love you.
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Layson,
I'm really going to miss you when we graduate. I'm thankful for all the times you've saved my butt this year. I couldn't have done any of it without you.
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Scott,
I miss you a lot. More and more every day. But you're almost to the year mark! Congrats :) I need to write you back... I'm just not entirely sure what to say.
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Geoff,
You are gonna rock it so hard next year. I'm really going to miss seeing you all the time. You still give me butterflies... :) But at the same time I'll be glad to get away from you. I'm sure my confidence will increase when I don't have to spend every second worrying about you.
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Daddy,
Thanks for picking mom. I'm glad you guys decided to get married in the temple and give me a forever family. I'm so blessed to have such a good example as a father. Happy 30th anniversary to you :)
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Nathanael,
Stop trying to hold my hand all the time. It bugs me how you think you can ignore me for all of senior dinner dance and then be all friendly the next day. It's not okay. And I don't put up with that.
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Kitty,
Oh my gosh you are precious. Come live with me :)
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Brother Johnson,
Thanks. :) I can't even being to express how much I'm going to miss your seminary class. You have changed my life so greatly. Also, good luck with the new SemCo. You're gonna be an awesome advisor :)
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Brother Waite,
You'd be a great coach.... Oh wait a minute.... :)
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Malcolm,
So many people remind me of you. I hope Canada is treating you well. Miss you Elder.
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Kameron,
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thanks for never giving up on me.
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Van,
I'm glad you still talk to me even though I'm a freak who says things she shouldn't. You really are the perfect example of unconditional love.
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Satan,
I hate you. You destroy families and make people so selfish. You have absolutely nothing going for you. Get away from me.
Sincerely, Kara

Dear Garrett,
Thanks for sending me nice texts every day :) I love them.
Sincerely, Kara

The end :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Band Council 2012-2013

Yep. It's already time to find a new BC. I can't even believe it! These past 2 years went by so fast. When I started band in 7th grade I never ever imagined I'd turn out to be the Copper Hills Band President. :) Last year I served as Librarian with one of my best friends, Jay. It was a blast and I loved keeping all of the sheet music in order. This year I had the excellent opportunity to be the President. And I had the world's greatest VP, Layson. He was ALWAYS right there every time I needed. He always did the things that I forgot about and I think we balanced each other very well. Despite his crazy life, he never flaked out on anything. I really appreciate the dedication he put in.
Anyway since he and I basically run the band council entirely by ourselves, it's time to chose a new council. We got tons of applications and we were so excited! We sat down and read through them all and discussed over and over again who would be best for what.
Then we decided we should interview the people who wanted to replace us. We had 2 applications for President and 3 for VP. My best fiend in the whole world applied for President and I was just thrilled. :) She's a great girl and I know she'll do a good job if Mr. Simpson decides to chose her. Except he WILL chose her cause she's obviously the best. Shhh don't tell anyone I said that.... :)
Layson and I had a lot of fun with the interviews. We heard some pretty interesting things and I really wonder if they will live up to the things they said to us :P
Thankfully we are almost done with our decision making process and it's gonna be so great. I'm so excited for these guys next year. I know that whoever is chosen is gonna do an excellent job. :)
I freaking love band. I'm so thankful to have been involved in it all these years. It has really made high school quite the experience :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dead to the World

My job is ridiculously tiring. And it sucks up just about every free moment of my life. But I love it so that's okay... :)
Anyway I'm sorry for not blogging more. I love to write, really. I just don't have time to get on the computer. :P so I blog from my iPod and make many spelling/grammar errors... Which in turn makes me not want to blog. Lame.
Life has been so fun lately. My parents were gone last weekend so I was able to spend time with my sisters! We went to the Cheesecake Factory and made delicious foods and watched tv for so many hours. Plus I bought my very first tank of gas. It was like 66 dollars. Barf. And it wasn't even empty when I filled it up. Terrible.
I'm getting way better at my job! It's a lot of fun and I absolutely adore the people I work with! Emily just hired some new kids and it's weird to be around them. Elise and I aren't quite sure how we feel about the new kids. It's hard to bring new personalities into the mix :P They just don't appreciate how freaking funny we all are. :)
School is almost over and I'm getting SO excited to graduate. I got my cap and gown today because I am no longer failing English and my life is awesome. Senior Dinner Dance is this Friday and my last band concert is next Wednesday. Where the heck did the year go? I still can't believe how old I am.
Oh- funny story :) So Jamba has this tradition called "dump ice water on people and lock them in the freezer because they are now cool enough to work here with us and we accept you". Yeah. I know. It's like being hazed into a fraternity or something. Haha anyway the other night Zach told me to go clean the drains and I was like oh alright.... So I began to do so when all of a sudden I hear the sound of rushing water and then a chill ran through my entire body. I started screaming because um hello what else do you do when that happens? So I then am being dragged by Zach and Jason to the freaking freezer. Elise was standing there smiling and I was like :O how could you!?
I decided not to fight back and just let them carry me to my death. I was then thrown into the coldest place known to man and was standing in the dark, shivering. And probably still screaming although I can't be quite sure. So then I remembered that this meant they liked me and I was accepted by them so I began to smile and think, they like me. They really like me :)
Eventually the door opened and I was like oh hello you guys. :) I shook the rest of the ice off of me and tried to think warm thoughts.
It didn't work. I was SO cold and SO wet. Thankfully Jason told me he would finish cleaning drains and that I needed to mop the lobby. So I did and tried to hurry so that I could go home and find some new underwear that wasn't full of ice.
What an excellent day that was.
At least it's over and I can quit worrying about when it is going to happen to me :)
Plus, I didn't even cry. Apparently people cry? I guess maybe I had an advantage because I knew it was coming. Yay for being a Jamba insider!! Hahahaha
My grades are rockin and hopefully I'll be able to get a 4.0 and be able to brag about getting straight A's my entire senior year. :)
Things are starting to get good. I'm pretty happy about that!